Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Doing my thing
It's almost New Years and it's strange that another year has gone by. Don't know what I am doing to celebrate a year past and a new year to come, but for some reason it feels imiportant for me to recognize it more than I have before. I always liked New Years celebrations, butit was mostly for the fun, friends, and food. We used to have a sleepover at my friend Aimee's house. We'd stay up all night. Watch for the countdown until the ball dropped kiss everyone and then go back to the party we were having including games, food and St. Julian's!! The girls would stay with her and the guys would stay with James who lived behind her. In the morning Aimee's mom would make us pancakes and bacon. I have many fond memories of those years!
This year is weird. I will be in Mt. Pleasant and I don't have any definite plans. There are things I'd like to do, but don't know if they will work out. There are people I'd like to spend it with, but most won't be around. Tricia will be with me though, so we'll have to be sure to make it meaningful.
10 days after the New Year begins I will be 22. I am not sure how I feel about that. For some reason I have been wanting everything in my life to have meaning lately. I get bored with unmeaningful things and I feel more enthused to make things matter. Maybe this is what happens when one turns 22... they get more sentimental about lifes milestones. Or maybe it's just me.
I am off to take Julie (the elderly lady) to the hospital. I was already there this morning because Heather was dehydrated because of a stomache flu of sorts and she needed a ride. I've already got two hours of sitting in a waiting room today under my belt, why not make it three or four!!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Cats Stink!
This is my cat:

Her name is Blossom... like Apple Blossom. We met about 10 years ago when she was born and I named her. She was the 1st of the litter and my new friend. We've been through many happy years minus some nibbles and scratches here and there. Today was a sad day for us.
We came home from my grandma's house after eating pizza, opening presents and sharing funny stories across the table. Grandma's house was very pretty and shiney, it was great!
Anyway, I was going about my business getting ready to travel back up to Mt. Pleasant for the night with my Bro and I saw Blossom sitting at the bottom of the stairs; Mind you she was recently paralyzed from a blood clot in her spine and so does not have use of her back legs from the knee down (If a cat had a knee). Anyway, it was the first time I saw her since the tragic blood clot and I was trying to be extra nice! She was rubbing up on me, nuzzling my face... awww!!
Then I picked her up to put her on my lap to pet and cuddle her. As soon as I put her on my lap she BIT me!!! HARD!!!! AHHH! I moved her away and my hand started oozing blood. As I walked up the stairs it kept oozing! WHAT THE!! She bit me really hard all the way down to a vein in my hand below my thumb. Her whole mouth went around that area to the other side of my hand, but the main puncture was on the palm of my hand. I went and showed my family and they helped me clean it and bandage it. It hurt a lot. I didn't cry but I wanted to, not because of the pain, but because my cat bit me. What a jerk. She really should be put down for biting someone so hard, but I think we all feel sad for her poor paralyzed legs! My dad just ordered her a wheelchair off E-bay. Anyway, now I am throbbing and bitter! lol
Here is a picture of my sad injury:

I'll post pictures of my presents and our evening at Grandma's later. Right now I am off to Mt. Pleasant!
My Monkey Gift
Monday, December 19, 2005
It is Finished
I will also be applying to Target, Mejier, maybe Kroger, Tj Max or some other places like that. And of course I will be working for Dorothy watching her kids while she works nights.
It is going to be strange not having internet for a few weeks. Since the school is all closed up, I won't have an opportunity to use it. That's ok, it will make me more productive.
This past weekend was full of socializing. Friday I came home and babysat Maria for a few hours while Sandy and John went to a party. Saturday we had Noll family Christmas (Sandy's Family). It was a good day. I had good food and great company. The little ones are growing up so fast, it was nice to see them again. I got some good gifts too!! Sunday we had an 80th birthday party for Grandpa Noll. It was a pretty good time, but I got kinda bored toward the middle. Didn't know all the people there, but then my dad came so I got to sit and talk with him for a while. I was at the church from 9:30-6:30!! Everything ran smoothly though, and Grandpa was very appreciative for the recognition.
Now it's Monday and I am feeling weird to not be at Masonic, but making the best of my day by finding a new job. I will be traveling back to Mt. Pleasant in about 20 minutes. Hopefully I will find something delicious to eat for lunch! OOOO! And I am going to take a nice hot shower and bath... Ahhhh, so good!
I'll be updating soon I am sure, with news from the farm. I have Christmas Eve with my Dad's side and Christmas Day with my Mom's side. I think it's going to be GREAT!!
PS. My little Matilda was staying with Auntie Megan this weekend. I hope she didn't cause too much trouble!!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Health Lesson # 1
What is scabies?
Scabies is an infestation of the skin with the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabei. Infestation is common, found worldwide, and affects people of all races and social classes. Scabies spreads rapidly under crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin contact between people, such as in hospitals, institutions, child-care facilities, and nursing homes.
What are the signs and symptoms of scabies infestation?
Pimple-like irritations, burrows or rash of the skin, especially the webbing between the fingers; the skin folds on the wrist, elbow, or knee; the penis, the breast, or shoulder blades.
Intense itching, especially at night and over most of the body.
Sores on the body caused by scratching. These sores can sometimes become infected with bacteria.
That's right folks, I have come in contact with scabies I don't know how many times in the last month. I don't think I have it yet, but it can take up to 6 weeks for symptoms to arrise. I have been itchy all day just thinking about it. Oh the life of one who works in health care...
Other than being itchy my last Monday at Masonic Pathways was rather nice. I was busy all day long, and I ran an enjoyabe program... my last one of the semester. We decorated Christmas cards for friends and family. The residents really seemed to enjoy it.
Tomorrow is my last Tuesday, so weird!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
The Last Hoorah
I have one more week of internship, a busy week at that. I have four resident assesments, one or two programs still to develop and implement, 2 chart audits, 5 program assesments, two staff parties, as well as regular programs and 1:1 with residents!!! It's going to be full, full of excitment, writing, evaluating, saying goodbye, and a bittersweet end on Friday. I am happy for my experiences there and the friendships I have made with both residents and staff. I cannot even imagine not seeing them everyday. To some of the dementia patients I have quite an attatchment;
Emma, who cries all the time, for reasons I once did not know, but now know it's because she is so severely confused. If you talk to her though, or have her fold towels she stops.
Gladys, who always tells me, "Oh honey, you look so pretty". She also asks if she can stay that night and inquires about a cost.
Gladys #2, who always calls me a son of a B**** unless I give her a cookie, then I am a saint.
Alice, who doesn't speak, but every once and a while I can make laugh.
Edna, who always laughs at everything I say.
Martha, who is very demanding in the most humourus way asking, "Lady, could get me a saw, I just want to saw these straps off"... later.... "Lady at the desk, lady at the desk I know you can hear me, get me some scissors, I'll take good care of them".
Naomi, who will tell you to shutup unless you approach her with a question instead of a statement.
Bud, who has Spine cancer and is often in pain. He is quite funny though when you talk to him and has come on to me a few times... hee hee
There are so many others that I adore and so many that have died since I've been there that will always have a place in my heart. I feel blessed to have met them and served them.
Tonight I am going to watch at least part of the Survivor Finale at Kristins, and then finish my project/paper for my internship. It should be a good night. Ohhh, and I am going to make a wish list on for my dad. I think I am going to ask for kitchen stuff!!! Wooo!!!
I hope to journal as the week goes on, hope all is well with everyone else!!
Sunday, November 27, 2005

Well, this was the most disconnected holiday weekend ever!!! To the left you will find my disconnected face.
It all started on Thursday when I stayed home alone upon orders of my grandmother. I had planned to travel to her house (45mins away) for a delicious meal and a chance to see her and grandpa after 4 months of nearly zero contact. She said the roads were too bad.
Instead of turkey (which I must mention is one of my most favorite foods), I ate pizza rolls for lunch, took back movies that I had rented on Wednesday (2 for 1!) and decided to go to Mejier while I was out to make something "special" to eat for dinner. I can't really afford to do a thing like that, but I thought since it was Thanksgiving, and I was lonely it was justified enough. Well, justification never wins, and I should know this by now, but once again I am slapped in the face with my own actions.
So, I went to Mejier and was walking around the isles thinking that I'd get anything that looked good... just go for it! I passed by some chicken, pizzas, more chicken, frozen dinners... nothing seemed pleasing. Then I saw them, BUTTERY BISCUITS!!! AND THEY WERE ON SALE!!! Oh boy! I decided I'd get some, but needed something to go with them. Across the way I spotted frozen chicken bites that you warm up in the microwave, like the chicken you find at a chinese restaurant. Then I remembered the chinese restaurant Great Wall was open, cause I noticed it while returning my movies. I said, what the heck, I'll just go get some!!
My adventure continues.... I order General Tso's chicken and an order of Crab Rangoons. Mind you, I only like chinese food that is not sweet and General Tso's chicken is supposed to be spicy. I also don't really like crab at all, but the other day some co-workers of mine got some crab rangoon's and I liked them cause they didn't really have much crab in them that I could tell. So I get my loot, spending too much on it, but justifying that I'd get a few meals out of the deal so it was worth it. I brought it home, opened it up and eyed it expectantly.... I couldn't wait for spicy and cheesey goodness!
SOOOO.... the food sucked! The chicken wasn't even a hint spicy, not even a little burn! it tasted like candy, sweet and sticky! eWWWWWW!!! If I wanted candy I would have gotten some sweettarts! Then I thought, "well, at least I have the crab rangoons!".... no dice. They were so FULL of crab! I couldn't even pick it out! I ate around the edges and called it good. Basically I wasted too much money on crap that I forced down just to teach myself a lesson.
Thursday ended and I was looking forward to get back to work on Friday just so I didn't have to be alone.
Friday was good. I planned a special party for the residents. We had a "t" party! There was tinsel, tang, tea, TINGO, Turtles, and Triscuts! Everyone had a name tag on and so their names started with 'T'. It was a grand time.
I came home with another boring night ahead of me.... and that is just what it turned out to be. Sarah took her laptop home and the library was closed so I didn't even have the internet to amuse me.
Saturday was a productive day, I cleaned a lot! I feel a lot better about living in my apt. now that it's clean. I sorted through old and unwanted food giving away what I could and pitching the rest. My kitten and I had a good time bonding, but it just wasn't the same as a good human!
This morning I was REALLY prodcutive. I did the following all before 9:30am (that should tell you how early I got up... ew again) I cleaned out my refrigerator... acctually took trays out and scrubbed! I cleaned the microwave which was disgusting! I did some more dishes, cleaned the dining room table, and I finshed making my curtain for my room. Of course I discovered that the kitten peed on it so I have to wash it before I put it up, but at least it's done!
I went to church at 10:30. It was a good service!I sat by a cute couple, talked to some friends afterwards, played a new intstrument made of wood... it was indonesian, but I can't remember the name of it.
Now it's now. I am finally connected with the world through the good ol' internet and there are no e-mails to be found, no friends online, nothing... what a sucess! heh. I think I am going to go clean my bathroom. It's the last room to be spiffed and then the whole apt. will be clean(besides sarahh's room!).
The Truth comes out... this is who I was really with this weekend and as you can see we were having a wonderful not to mention romantic time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
All Turkeys Eve
Today I work, then I go up to my Grandma and Grandpa K's for Thanksgiving day. My mom, her girlfriend, and my brother, and one of my uncles will all be in attendance. I hope it is a good day. The last time I went to Grandma's with my mom and brother for a holiday we all had a terrible fight!
On Friday I work again, and then it's the WEEKEND!!! Almost everyone will be gone this weekend so I think I might be productive and clean up the apartment really thuroughly. Then I will write my paper that I was supposed to start Sunday. So far I am behind 1hour of work time. So much for my 20 minute plan!!
So, to all who celebrate Thanksgiving, have an enjoyable weekend away or close by!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Things that make one question life
I mean, this happens all the time... and maybe people aren't even lying, but distorting reality, leaving out details, or bending the truth. How does one know how to trust a person who does this on a regular basis? Does it mean one should just take a hint and find new friends, or should one call their friend out on it? It seems like most people aren't stupid and they could and will figure out that people are lying or decieving or whatever you want to call it. Do people who do this regular lying want you to catch a hint or are they living for themselves in those moments?
All I know is that this has happened and continues to happen in my life and I am sick of it. I just get so tired of being tolerant. I want people around that want to be with me just the way I am, not the way they'd like me to be. I think I have that from some of my friends, but other people in my life in general I wonder about.
Humans are funny. It is interesting to think about what makes them tick, and how to react to their ticking.
Oh how I'd love to have Jesus around right now. I love thinking about life with metaphors like so many of Jesus' stories and lessons were told. Life here on earth is so complex, I wonder how complex or how simple Heaven will be. There won't be the drama there is here, we won't be human anymore, we'll be souls, spiritual beings.... wow! That will really change things.
hm, hm, hm.... any thoughts?
Early in the Morning
I have been meaning to update, but never did I have the words, motivation, or yeah... that's about it. Today is a different story!
Today is the begining of a 3 week stretch of top performance in all areas from you guess who!!! I Have a big paper to write/compile by Dec. 9th for my internship, student loans to figure out, scholarships to pin down, and regular life to deal with.
My plan is to set a 20min. timer everyday and write for my internship paper. I could even do it at lunch time if I so choose, which would be really great!! After the 20 mins is up I stop! I promised a prof. I would try this method. I am combatting with my stress and procrastination about this dumb thing. I just want to do well!!!!
In other news, I got a kitten!!! I'll post a picture of her soon. She is fluffy and small and cute and cries a lot. I think she still misses her other family. They had cats, dogs, and kids there. I have had her for about 10 days. Overall she's pretty good, just whiney.
Hmmm.... what else?? Oh! Well, it feels as if my life is falling apart! YESSSS!!! In actuality I think God is trying to help me make my life come together, but in the process I am falling apart. I feel like there is something for me, a place I should be, work I should do, people I should serve. I don't think this thing is Rec. Therapy, but I know I will certainly use many of the things I learned in my course work and internships.... prayer prayer prayer... that's what I need!!
I am looking for a job for next semester and I am not going to be a student so if anyone thinks of any non-student jobs please let me know. I think I am willing to do just about anything. I am planning on having more than one job, so part-time work is perfect!!!
I am also trying to figure out where to do my second internship. If anyone has any brilliant ideas of where I can go to work with any sort of special population besides the elderly please give me a shout out!!!! Oh boy am I desperate!
I have to go to work now, I am on 1st floor this week. Last week it was a disaster, we'll see if it's any better this week! I hope it is!!!!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
A is for APPLE!!

Here you see some party participants making the letter 'a'. I think Katie is taking a nap (sleeping on the job... sheesh!). This was around 10ish when we started to spell HALLOWEEN with our bodies. I know what you are thinking... MAN I wish I could have been there! Truth is, the fun only continues after that. Krista, Sarahhh and I were having a photo shoot until 3:00. It was great to get the creative juices flowing as well as laugh a lot and be dumb. I loved it. I'll be posting some of our photo fun soon after some tweaking!!!
I am off to take my cobbler out of the oven and then head over to Dan and Rob's for some delicious turkey!!!! SCORE!!!
More on my life later!
Sunday, October 23, 2005
In my last entry I talked about Connie, my favorite resident at work who was not doing well. She passed away (or expired in technical terms) last weekend. Things just don't seem the same without her. She used to sit by the fish tank, and by a certain column in the dining room. Often I have found myself look there expecting to see her, and feeling awkward remembering she is gone. Other significant people have died since then too, and it's just a strange feeling. Now that I have rapport, and relationships with these residents it's a big deal when they die, I feel a void. This makes me want to work even harder for them, pray for them and with them more often, get to know them and care for them. It is good and bittersweet all at once.
In other news my life is at another turning point. I don't know exactly which way I am turning, but I am definitely trying to make it more towards God and whatever I am supposed to be doing for and in Him right now. I may have to give up things and take on things that are hard, uncomfortable, and may even leave hard feelings. I am hoping though that people can understand why I am doing what I am doing. Day by day a confusing mess becomes more of a comforting peace as I move closer to what I think may be a solution.
Things in IV are going to change which excites me very much. I am looking forward to all working towards a goal/idea that will finally work for the resources and people we have involved in our group right now. We have been trying so hard in the past few years to make IV great, and to rebuild, but our efforts get to a certain point and then fail, or atleast growth in one way or another stalls. I think that if we all get on board and really strive not for tradition, but for something that will work while still keeping in mind to Misson and Purpose of InterVarsity great things will be accomplished on this campus.
Dudes, I went to a sweet 80's party last night and I won a sweet prize for having the best 80's look! I wasn't even going to go to the party, but when I decided I wanted to I went all out, and it was worth it. I had a good time and it was fun to dress up. Thanks Ilene for initiating and hosting!!!
Today I went to the Hunan house. I must say that it is not a good idea for me to go to a buffet. I just don't eat enough to make it worth it. Unless of course it is Ponderosa! Ponderosa has all my favorites. But seriously, when I am eating rice, and chicken, there is only so much I can eat and that's not even a full plate. It was very delicous, but in the future I'll abstain for a menu restaurant. Besides the food our conversation was great. It was Me, Megan, Jeff, Nate and Jesse. There were good laughs, theology, fortunes/proverbs that didn't make sense, and meaningful conversation. It was refreshing to go out and have such a good time talking eventhough all of us aren't all buddy buddy or anything.
Last night Lisa stayed over which was nice. It was fun to talk about life and have a visitor. She said something that inspired me. She said that she sat down and made a list of all the things she wants to do before she settles down with a family. She said she didn't realize all the things she wanted to do! I think I am going to do it. The other day I made a list of all the things I was longing to do... you know, meaningful life changing things. Now I am going to include those with all the fun and maybe useless things I want to do!!! I'll post it when I am done.
Ok, I am off to have a chat with Ms. Kristin.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
One is that a guy named Claude died last night. He was so cute and when I'd walk by him he'd say "toot toot doodle oot" or other little noises. I found out he'd passed this morning when I got to work. The other reason my day is not excellent is because my favorite resident, Connie is not doing well. She had a stroke this weekend and they are saying she probably won't make it through the night. I am very sad to see her struggling to breathe, face drooping, and no words coming from her. I tried praying for her, I hope she can feel some comfort and peace. I will definitely morn when she is gone.
Well, my lunch break is over so I am off to do some more paperwork! WOOT!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Here is a very short version:
I have been feeling really good this past week, my sickness must be gone.
I spent a lot of time with Maria this weekend, tons of hugs and love, fun testing her smartness and teaching her things (she can sort colors!!). I LOVE being with her.
Megan and I are searching through a book while I search at work for the secrets of the masons and how Lemony Snicket's books are secretly a way to reveal the mysteries of the Masons: Both thrilling and enjoyable.
That is all, have a nice day!
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Life goes on
Things with my internship are going well. Tomorrow I am going to shadow my boss. It should be pretty interesting. For the next three days our facility is being evaluated by the state. Tensions are high and administrators are freaking out. It's kinda fun to see people running around. Also, every time I walk by some one, because I am a newer face, they look at my name tag immeadiatly to see if I am from state. It's amusing.
Ok, so I am off to babysit! Hopefully the kids are in bed!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
I am scared of tomorrow. I don't want to do this alone and I feel so alone. At this point my sickness could be anything and by tomorrow I'll know if it's something I have been fearing for a long time, or something I can take an antibiotic, a few days of rest and be back to normal in no time.
I don't know what kinds of tests the doctor will do, I don't know how long it will take to get the results back, I don't know if I'll have to go to another doctor to get answers.
I am thirteen hours away from either dispelling my "silly fear" or making some of my worst nightmares come true.
My fear may be irrational, may be unwaranted, may seem rediculous... but I have been sick for a month, that's gotta make one worry.
I feel exhausted and restless all at once.
I am going to watch a movie with my grandma to try and help get my mind off things.
Thank you to everyone who has been so good to me through all this ickyness of me being sick, thank you for being concerned, encouraging, patient, kind, and for checking up on me. I appreciate it more than you know.
And to my friends on the bus; Tricia, Nick, and Michelle: Talking to you three tonight helped me feel better and more loved. Kristin, talking to you made me think about something exciting and beyond the world of me, thank you for calling me.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Well, to spare everyone from my true life I feel I should make up a new one... one that is as romantic, spontaneous and lovely as Joy's. But I will continue on with my own, which is pretty sweet anyway.
The past month here at school has been interesting, challenging, fun, as well as a less emphasized, but very present crappy due to being sick.
I started my internship, and as many of you who talk to me regularly know, I love it. I am making meaningful relationships with my co-workers, and creating wonderful bonds with my residents. Unlike the other staff, I as an intern, work both 1st and sencond floor. The rest of the recreation staff are assigned to just one floor. This makes for two things: more to remember, and more people to care for.
I like getting to know the residents, talking to them, and wheeling them around in their chairs. I have many stories if anyone cares to hear them, and I might just tell you even if you don't. heh.
Just today I had to go in to talk to a new lady and fill out an Activity Assesment where I ask an individual about their interests or things they'd like to be involved in. When I went in and asked the lady how she was doing she replied, "Well, I had a throwing up session right after therapy, and then I went to something else and they brought me back here and I just had another throwing up session." She tells me this while holding a puke container, luckily it was not used yet. The whole time I was praying that she didn't puke on me. :)
Other than my internship and a month long sickness that I am going to the doctor about on Monday and will fill you in on later, my life has been full of friends, IV, TV, and more IV. :) I am the large group coordinator this year, which is something I've never done before, but am enjoying flying by the seat of my pants for now.
I am going home this weekend and I get to see my family and my Sandy, and my baby, ohhh and the BELLY!!! For those of you who don't know Sandy is pregnant again! I think it's a boy. I can't wait to get home to squeeze everyone.
Now it is time for... da da da DAH!!! That's right MORE IV!!! Tonight is fun-night for open house and we're going to deerfield park! WOOT WOOT!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I am back in Mt. Pleasant and boy am I happy to be here! I am hanging out with my buddy Lisa, acctually she went on a round cause she's a cool RA.
Today I got my haircut again. I am bald now... just kidding! It is shorter than the first time I cut it, but I like it! It's all spikey in the back which is enjoyable.
I was supposed to have a get together at my place today, but I ended up going over to Lisa's and getting Hotwings with her. She loved them so much, and it made me so happy! Sometimes I forget how much Lisa and I connect when we don't talk very often. I really enjoy her company and I think we can relate quite well to each other.
Ok, I am done with this now. I have to talk to my friends now.
Monday, August 15, 2005
So, I am here now to tell you that things are good.
This week... my last week at home is going to be quite busy.
I am working, babysitting, hanging with my granny, and also with Nick.
I move back to good ol' Mt. Pleaz on Tuesday! I am bringing my bongo game and hot sauce so watch out!!!
I am looking forward to seeing everyone, finally being in the same town as some of my dearest and most favorite people, and living in a place I hold so close to my heart.
For now I am going to bed. I have to get up early to watch zee babay. She is getting so big, so fun, so smart. She signs "please" now, but instead of rubbing her chest like you're supposed to, she rubs her tummy. Guess it's all the same to her.
Ok Dudes, I'm OUT!
PS. I watched "Shall we Dance" tonight. I'd recommend it! I have it on VHS if you want to borrow it!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
Anyway, I have been looking forward to this puppy since the last batch (about a year ago) when my mom said I could have one. She said she would pay for it's shots and get me all set up with a "puppy starter kit". When it's ready to leave it's mother it will be able to fit in my pocket!! AWWW!!!
BUT there is some sad news about my puppy endeavors. I didn't think it would be a problem for me to have a puppy where I am living because the Fountains let Joy have her very large and very charming cat, Bubba. My puppy, even when full grown will be half the size of Bubba. When I asked them on the phone if it would be alright they said no!!! Oh, I was heart broken. I want so badly to have a little compainion to come home to, one that will always love me and want cuddles. Since Maria needs to stay with her parents I thought a puppy was the next best thing! Oh.... I can not tell you how very sad I am right now.
I am going up to Mt. Pleasant on Monday and I am going to talk to them again. I am going to explain just how small this little pup will be and explain that it can't really cause any trouble and if it did I would sign a contract to repair/replace anything that needed to be. I am hoping if I give them my "sad face" and a good argument then it might work. I have just been looking forward to it for so long!
Adventures in Grandma Land
So, lately I have been doing a lot of things. Not big things, just quite a few little things.
The other day I came home from work and told my grandma I wanted to go somewhere fun, do something fun, or spend a rediculous amount of money on something I don't need. Now when I said I wanted to spend money I was of course talking about her money and not mine! heh...
ANYWAY, we made plans for the next day (Wednesday) because it was my day off. Our plan was to go to an antique store or two, and then go some place I wanted to go. We settled for this choice after ruling out a cruise. We thought one day would not be enough time for a cruise. :)
So, Wednesday comes and both antique stores we go to are closed! Apparently places like these are only open on the weekend these days. This being said it was my turn. I had a few items that I was dreaming to spend money on:
A Clavinova
A MAC laptop
A Digital Camera
Two Video games and accessories
Jewelry of sorts
A purse because honey exploded in mine
That was biggest dream to smallest... I discussed my dream with my grandma and decided I was in an electronics mood so we went for the video games. Grandma's don't know much about video games and so it wasn't very easy for her to catch on to the vision... I did end up getting three DVDs though... she knows about movies.
We left the video game store with the conclusion that grandma would check her finances at home and see if she could get me what I wanted. I learned soon after it was just code for, "it's easier for me to spend my money on other things that I know about, so you have to wait for your electronic bongos that I know nothing about".
We decided to skip over to JC Penny to see if we could at least get me a purse. We went to the purse section and I ended up getting two, and a pair of sunglasses. heh...
For those of you who don't know, I spent most of my early childhood with my grandparents. They live right next door to me and I went to their house nearly everyday. This means not only am I very close to my grandma, but that she lavished me with expensive gifts all growing up. I remember going shopping with her and she'd buy me expensive clothes at private clothes shops... yeah... I know... ew.
OK... so back to my story. We walked past some khaki capris that caught my eye because they were cute and they were 70% off! Grandma suggested that I might as well try on some clothes while I was there since there were such great sales. I agreed it would be a good idea. My arms were bursting with clothes by the time I made it to the dressing room... she just kept loading me up. We were having a good time. I really was enjoying shopping with her. We were both doing something we really enjoyed and we could relate to eachother.
Then we got to the cash register. Before we arrived I asked if I should just pick a few of my favorite things, but of course grandma insisted I just take them all. I thought the total would be a little over $100, maybe $150......... $300!!!! IT WAS Stinkin' $300!!!!!!!!!! I freaked out and was like... "No, that's too much"... we can't spend that much, I was thinking... oh man! I was panacked. I have never (or atleast never known that I was) spending that much money on so little clothes, and never all at once. I was ready to hyperventilate. Grandma of course insisted it was ok, although I think she was a little in shock too! We went out into the lobby and I looked over the receipt pondering how it could have possibly added up to that much. I bought quite a few nice items, and I never shop at JC Penny unless something is $15 or less. All the clothes I bought were for work this fall, so it turned out they were reasonable for the amount and quality.
I don't like this being an adult and buying real clothes thing. I can't believe I own that much worth of clothes... and they are not even complete outfits. I still have to get a few shirts. I am just blown away. I haven't wanted to look at clothes or even get dressed in anything but my pajamas. UGH! I feel so bad. I just keep thinking about all the little kids in this and other countries and how much $300 could buy them. It makes me feel sick.
So anyway, I had a really great time until I got to the cash register. Today my grandma wants to take me back out and get me the video game I wanted. She really is a spender... I guess though, she doesn't really have anybody else to spend it on anymore, and she is very generous in her giving.
I have another story, but I'll put it in a separate blog.... this one is really long!
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Stuff Stuff and more Stuff
While I was on my trip I stayed in two different locations. One was in Temecula with my aunt and the other was with a girl who Krista knew from CAMP CHINA in Thailand. Both places were lovely and very accommodating. The first three days I stayed with my aunt. While I was with her we drove through some vineyards, went to the wild animal park, watched jeopardy, went out for Mexican food, and generally enjoyed eachothers company. I had never had the chance to get to know my aunt very well, but I have always wanted to. I have also wanted to visit her in California ever since I was a little girl. It was nice to live out a dream.
The rest of the time I was with Erin and Krista in Anaheim. We did lots of things: beach, concert, universal city walk, Rodeo drive, Hollywood Blvd., Guinness book of World Records museum, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Toured the Kodak Theatre, Wax museum, tried to get on the Price is Right but didn't make it, drove a lot, went to Del Taco and In and Out, saw Knotts Berry Farm, went to the Orange County Fair, and watched some movies as well as playing some Super Mario Brothers!!! PHEW! That was a lot!
My favorite part of the trip was staying with my aunt, the animal park, and Kodak theatre. I discovered that I never want to live in California EVER! And that week was long enough to visit. I also learned the importance of making sure the people you're with don't mind being tourists!!! The trip had some crappy times, but overall it was good. California is very beautiful, but very tainted. Deep, I know.
Nick and I played DDR and watched million dollar baby.
Today Nick and I are going school shopping for his new school clothes. I think I am going to protest jeans with dragons on them. :) hee hee After that I have work.
I am going up to Mt. Pleasant for an interview at the Masonic Home (a long term care facility). While I am there I will also be talking to my profs and getting everything settled for the up coming year, hanging out with Megan hopefully and maybe seeing Jeff too if he's not working. ALSO, my good friend Danielle has invited me over for dinner! I think we are having chicken. WOOT WOOT! I am also very excited to sleep in my fluffy bed!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! SCORE!!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I am returning home tomorrow and then have work Thursday night.
I have a surprise for some of you when I get home.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Friday, July 01, 2005
Foolish Me
I get a blessing just in time to mess something else up that makes it seem like the blessing never happened!
Living simply is easier when one doesn't have any money. However, using money one does not have is also very easy. Especially when it has to do with calling another country to talk to a friend. I have now lost almost the exact amount that was just gifted to me the other day to fix my car.
It's times like these that I feel like such an idiot. I don't know how I am going to pay for all the crap I have to pay for. Oh yeah... and my rent is due today... ha... Dear Lord please help me.
My day was really good until about 30 minutes ago. Maria and I played all morning long and I watched Pimp My Ride... one of my favorite shows!!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Is this a joke??
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
So.... I am moving back home. Just for the summer though. My job in Mt. Pleasant was not working out and so I am quitting. It was good experience but not enough hours. I got an opportunity to work at the Subway here in Goodrich again and so I am jumping on that. I will be moving in with my grandma to keep her company and help her do things. I think it will be fun and good for both of us. It will probably be hard too. I might have rules and restrictions and stuff.... AHHHHHH!!!! hee hee... I am her little fav. though so I am sure she'll let me do what I want.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I have work tonight from 11pm-9am and I am not allowed to sleep!!! WEEEEEE!!!
My heart hurts a little bit today. I think I need a good QT!!!
Talk at ya lata!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Hey Hey Hey
Today has started out to be a good day. I thought of Laura as I ate two toaster strudels for lunch! Now all I need is some shrimp and waffles and I'll be set!! Oh and maybe some NACHO CHEESE! I even thought of eating my lst ice cream treat for lunch too, but I refrained.
I have a presentation in my English class today. I am teaching about in-text citation MLA style. It's not very exciting, but my group is great. We hung out last night at Dorothy's (where I babysit) and ate pizza. We get along very well, which makes the class enjoyable for us. I think most of the favorites in the class are in our group so that's kinda fun. We try to decide who the teacher loves most! hee hee
Update on Gramps:
Last weekend was very difficult as we had to make decisions about grandpa's care for the future. His hospital stay was up as he ran out of insurance money to cover it, and so he needed to be moved. There were a few different options, but our family, with the help of a few winks from grandpa decided hospice was the best choice.
I feel relieved that the whole family talked and prayed together and that my grandfather was consulted about this whole thing. It was important to me to have everyone on the same page communicating exactly what they thought was best. I think I was the only one who realized what was acctualy happening to gramps. It was difficult to see my family come to realize where things were headed.
Grandpa has about 6-8 weeks left tops. Depending on what kind of care plan the hospice staff decides on will determine how much longer he will live. There is discussion to not use the 6 doses of antibiotics that he has been getting, or to only put them into his feeding tube instead of by IV. Also, it was mentioned that they may not use his feeding tube all together. The goal at hospice is quality of life. My grandpa will be made as comfortable as possible for the remainder of his days. If they stop antibiotics and the feeding tube it could be just a matter of days. He would get drugs so he didn't feel hungry and would recieve artificial hydration (basically using an IV or nose tube that provides fluids). As soon as I know the details I will post them. I tried to find out before I wrote this, but couldn't get ahold of anyone.
Overall I think this is a good choice for grandpa and my family. My grandma was taking it pretty hard after hearing the word "hospice", but after visiting the facility with her and seeing the relief on her face and in her posture when seeing friends of the family volunteering there, I think things will be really good. They set up a cot right next to grandpas bed so the two of them can be right next to eachother all night. The environment there is so pleasant and these people really know what they are doing.
It is kinda scary to know that his death could really come anytime now, but I am so happy his suffering here on earth is almost over. There is so much good for him to look forward to. When we were talking to him Saturday about how he wasn't going to get better, and how the end was near, he cried. My dad told him that we just want him to be happy and that soon he would get to go to heaven. I told him that we'd be up there right after him! We all cried together that day holding grandpa in our hands. This has been an interesting, testing, intense, hard, joyful, bonding, contemplative, slap-in-the-face sort of experience so far. I know that the next few weeks are going to be even more of all of those things I mentioned. Going through this is definitley growing and stretching me. Without God I'd be lost right now.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Let's Never Rollerblade again OK?? OK.
On the way home I had a tragic rollerblading accident!!! I was going too fast and couldn't stop. CRASH BANG BOOM!!! I was on the ground my purse was under me filled with odds and ends that were very hard. I shot back up and looked around making sure no one saw me. Then I almost fell back down because the wind kinda got knocked out of me. All I could say was "Oh, crap!". It hurt so badly, but I tried to shake it off.
The pain kept getting worse so I went to the ER. It was quite anti-climatic as Krista said when conveying the story to her, and they sent me home with some motrin. I am just glad I am not broken or cracked.
So now, I am not going to be rollerblading anytime soon. I think I am going to go home and eat some ice cream and go to bed.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Random Fun in Clare
After class I went home and grab some tennis shoes and then was off to good ol' Clare. I had never really been there before so it was an adventure from the start. When I got to this guy Erics house I was met at the door by his adorable mother wearing an apron! hee hee.
I made two new friends (Kim and Eric), got to catch up with Michelle a little, had a greatcurry chicken dinner, ate a delicious cup of jello with coolwhip on top, rode around Clare on bikes, went into a funny western shop, rode the rail trails for 10 miles, and got to learn about specialty bikes. It was a really great time.
It was so cool how we all just hung out and it was like we were always friends. Kim and Eric knew eachother previously, but Michelle and I just met him that day. Eric showed us pictures of a trip the family took to India where Erics dad lived for eigtht years as a boy because his parents were missionaries. Dude, it was so cool!
Kim and Michelle stopped by my new place on their way home and chilled on my fluffy bed for a while. I read them funny stories and fed them swiss chocolate!!
It was a wonderful afternoon/evening. YAY for random fun!! I love it!!!
Monday, May 30, 2005
Back to the Grind
Luckily the computer lab was open today so I had an excuse to get out of the house. I rollerbladed a little bit earlier today, but on a beautiful day like today it's hard to just sit around. I did have time to do some reading for class and a little personal reading and reflection however, which was much needed and very enjoyable.
When I left last night from Sandy's it was very hard. I wanted nothing more than to stay and cuddle with her and the baby. My visits there seem so short, and Sandy and I don't get much together time because of trying to get things done and being distracted by the little cutie. We did get to chat about important things for a while yesterday and Friday she stayed up a little later than usual because she wanted me to play with her hair. That was nice. My time with Maria is so precious to me. I eat up every moment. We are developing such a bond. We are learning how to communicate with each other and play. Anyway, she is really great.
Tomorrow is class, and a meeting with a lady at work. I am going to try and figure out why I am not getting any hours! I have another paper to start this week for class. Should be pretty interesting. I think I am going to write about WalMart! Such controversy, so exciting!
I'll see all you crazy kids later!
Saturday, May 28, 2005
What if it was important??
I am here at home for another day, and then it's back up to Mt. Pleasant. I am hoping to spend some time with Megan this week. I have another paper due for my Eng. class and a lot of reading to do. I am still not working in the way I thought I would be by now. I have had one shift, and another one to come on Saturday. I am so confused because I was under the impression that I could work 40 hours a week. I am going to have to do some inquiring to see what exactly is going on.
I miss you all my friends. I would love nothing more to be spending time with some of you, being crazy, and having a blast.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Wedding Bells
The time before the wedding I ran around communicating between bride, groom, officiant, and families. It was pretty fun, I love stuff like that. Everything ran very smoothly.
The ceremony was just perfect for the two of them! Everything was done with such quality, especially the music and dance. Yesterday truly was a celebration of the two of them.
When they left the church I helped Megan and Jeff unload their gifts and wished them a happy honeymoon. Then I got to my car and realized I forgot my keys! I almost just walked home and waited for them to call me later (partly because I was scared they would be naked already based on a story I heard earlier that day, but more because I knew how much they wanted to relax). They were so happy to just be together; alone without people being weird to them, or taking their picture, I didn't want to be a lame-o. I decided that I might as well just interrupt their togetherness now instead of later. We all laughed when I came back, and I got to wish them a second goodbye! :)
I just looked down the street (I am in the extended hours study) and saw Megan and Jeff pick up Jeff's car! They are off for their honeymoon on Mackinac Island! Lots of fun and fudge to come!!!
Today at church we had a great service! We learned about conflict and how to deal with it. If anyone wants to hear the sermon it's at Probably will be posted within the week. The things Pastor Scott had to say were very valuable and applicable! Then after that couples in the church who had already gone through a special packet on their own were invited to come up on stage and renew their vows. It was so great! They all looked at each other with sincere love. The sparks were flying!!!
Joylyn and her new man Thor came to stay with me last night after the wedding. We went to Doozies, watched Shrek 2 and Joy and I had girl talk in my room until late. It was so great to be able to catch up, and just talk like we used to! Thor is great too! He was a very gentlemanly, considerate fello.
Today I am studying, eating a yummy leftover lunch, possibly napping, maybe watching a movie later with Jes and Natalie, and generally relaxing!!! Ah! It feels so good to have a day of rest!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
More Drama?!?!?!
So, lately I have been really into reading my friend Rebecca's Mom's web journal. Rebecca's mom (Pam or Pammy) has a form of leukemia. I found out about this a while ago, and ever since I have been checking up regularly on the status of things. She writes everyday, or has someone else write for her if she is too weak. I got to see pictures of her "Birthday" (The day she got a bone marrow transplant). It is so amazing to be able to read what she goes through everyday. I'd recommend this to everyone who has an illness like this. It makes it easy to look back on things, and also makes it easy for others to check up on you.
The most amazing part though, is seeing how much Rebecca's faith has grown. For a while I was concerned that she had dropped God and was on her own path... not a path to horrible things, but a path that was not God's. Seeing the way she writes for her mom, and even a previous website that updated things before Pam went into the hospital has shown me how dependent on God Rebecca has become. It makes me just filled with joy and excitement to see this happening! the way she talks about God, His faithfulness, and the power of prayer truly gets me excited. Man, it's soooo COOL! WOOT WOOT!!!
I have also decided to pick up something I started a long time ago: Dream journaling. I am not doing it for any other reason other than that it's so funny/interesting to look back and see how ridiculous they are. I had a dream this morning that I have to journal still... I think I am going to entitle it "Mopey". If you really want to know who Mopey is (yes it is a character in my dream), you'll have to ask the next time you see me. I also have a dream in there from a long time ago titled: David Hasselhoff and the End of the World. LOL Going back and reading them I can remember exactly what the dream was, it is really neat.
That's all my thoughts for now. I have work tonight, which is a nice bit of unexpected income! God is good! All the time, all the time He is good!!! I love that song!!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Controlled by a Strong Canadian Wind
So, I am here in Mt. Pleasant... Ah, how I love spring time on campus. The trees all have their leaves, the tulips are coming out, the grass is thick and green, and the crab apple and berry trees have their blossoms. I just love walking around here when everything is so beautiful.
I am taking one summer class: English 201 (advanced composition). It seems like it is going to be both intriguing and a lot of work.
*** I'm interrupting this update to tell you that a very gross man is sitting across from me and is coughing without covering his mouth. He is also moaning at random times, which I am assuming is him clearing his throat... He just looked at me... Maybe he can sense I am writing about him! AHHH***
Anyway, back to school... I am looking forward to being able to work hard at one class and do really well. I already had one test that counted towards my grade and it's only the second day of class. I didn't fail it! YAY!
I start my summer job soon, and for those of you who don't know yet, I will be working for Listening Ear. I am going to be working in a group home on midnight shifts probably 3 times a week and also helping a couple guys do things in the community... I am assuming recreation, grocery shopping, etc. I am not sure of all the details yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I know. I have a three hour meeting on Thursday morning where I will fill out paper work and watch some sort of video.
So, sad news... My grandpa is in the hospital. I don't feel like talking about it right now because I feel like I have told the story so many times. I can say though that I am learning a lot, and being tested at my limits. God is working in my family, and in me, yet tragedy is also at work. It is interesting to see how everyone reacts.
(krista, I can't believe I forgot to tell you this story... She is still mad me)
So, when I got home to my actual house and was going to be there for more than a few hours it wasn't until about Thursday of last week when I had actually been in town since the previous Friday. So on that day I decided I should do some much needed laundry. There was laundry in the washer and dryer that belonged to dad, Joe and Dee. I took the laundry from the dryer and set in on a big tupper ware container like usual, and put the clothes from the wash in the dryer. As usually expected, upon the ding of the dryer I took the clothes out and put them on top of the first pile. I went about my business not really thinking much of my actions since it is the way things have been done for a long long time.
The next day I got a phone call from a friend and decided to take it outside. When I got back in Dee said "Liz, did your dad talk to you about the laundry", I said "no" and looked at her quizzically. "Well", she said "Next time... The hangers are sitting right there can you just hang up the clothes instead of piling them in a big heap, I don't want them to get wrinkled."
UGH!!!!! OK, for real people, these "clothes" were mostly random lounge clothes that were ugly anyway and no one should ever wear, besides what the heck?!?! Why was she confronting me about this anyway, how was I supposed to know that the hangers were supposed to be used or if they were extras, and why was this expectation of a new practice put on me when I was just doing what was always done????
So, I say to her that I was only doing what I have always done, and she says she just wants me to be more considerate... blah blah... So I am upset and want to say really horrible things, but decided to tell her that maybe next time I will, or maybe I won't. I then proceed to go down stairs and slam the door as hard as I can. I am sitting in my room thinking very nasty cuss words, and wanting to punch something. I was just so taken aback that this new rule, or expectation or whatever was put on my shoulders when I didn't even know it existed, and when I didn't come through, Dee gets upset. UGH AGAIN!! Oh man, I was so mad... More mad than I have been in a long time. The act of helping with laundry itself was not the big deal, I like helping... It was the way I was reprimanded with an upset look and tone when I didn't do anything wrong. I decided to take matters further by confronting Dee. I took a few deep breaths and walked up stairs.
I go up stairs and tell her "Never tell me to do something like that after the fact again! If you want me to help with the laundry just say: "Liz, I am really busy today, can you please take those clothes and put them on hangers for me?". "Don't get upset when I don't do something I didn't even know I was supposed to do!" My speech gets long after this and I proceed to tell her how I don't like staying at home because I don't like things are done around there. I don't feel like it's my home anymore. I wish dad was there, and if he were I'd come home more often. I told her that Sandy's house was where I felt at home. She tried to say as she always does "I am sorry that you feel that way, what can I do to change it?" The point was though, and I told her this... I wanted to see Dad... That's what would make things better. He is barely home, and when he is they are in their room having sex (I left the sex part out). Anyway, it's true. I left upset and unresolved, but I think I got my point across.
Sunday at church I went over to Dee and Dad to say hello. Oh man, was she still mad... It had been two days! Anyway... I got over her stupidness, so I figured she'd be over my rebuttal... Apparently not. She wouldn't talk to me, and when she looked at me she gave me "the look". Now her look is different than a regular "mom look". This is worse. This is a "you made me upset, I want things my way, I am gonna get them, I got your daddy and you can't do anything about it look". Oh man... It is scary. So... That's how things are right now... We'll see with all the extra stress of my grandpa how it unfolds.
WOW, this is a really long entry... Perhaps I'll write more tomorrow. There is something else I want to write about, but I'll just have to keep you in suspense!!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Things are going pretty well up here at ol' CMU. Most of my friends are stressed, but we are still finding time to be together and have a good time.
I had a particularly enjoyable time talking with Kristin last night. I was good to have some quality one-on-one time with a good friend. ahhhh.... it's just good.
I have four REAL finals coming up this week with two of them being cumulative. This is the first time I have had this happen. It feels strange that I acctually have to work really hard for four different finals instead of just working hard for one or two big ones!! Kinda icky, but I'll make it through.
Grandpa Porter is in the hospital and it looks like he'll be there for at least a week if not more doing rehab. After that he will be sent to either a convelecent home or to his home with an in-home care nurse or something. I really want to go home to help make decisions, and boost some morales, but I just can't swing it right now. I feel trapped. All I want to do is be two places at once, is that really too much to ask??
Anyway, I need to get back to the real reason I am at the library and that is for studying!!!
Talk at ya later!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
Oh How I Long to KNOW
Longing to know....
Longing so much, with no way to know until enough time has passed...
Longing to know what the heck "tee hee sniggle" means!!
I have to wait until I get to book 12!!! I am reading Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events and I just can't take it!! Tee Hee Sniggle doesn't come until book 11 or 12 or something like that. Krista says it to me all the time. I hope it's code for something nice. :)
Luckily I am on book the Sixth, so I am not too far away from knowing.
Friday, March 04, 2005
The beginning of a good break
So, besides that I think this break is going to be great. I am going to start it off right with a visit to my boober Jessica!!! We haven't seen eachother in a long time, and I just can't wait to catch-up, see her new apartment (and her first), giggle a ton, cook together...awww... just be us together. I am very much looking forward to it.
Then I get to have a week off work and go home. Maria and I are "hanging out" on Monday and Wednesday!! YAY!! I think I might read some books, spend time with my gpants, chill with my dad, visit my mom, and hopefully, hopefully, get to spend some good quality time with my bubby. I feel like I don't even know him anymore. I don't think we've talked since I was home at Christmas time. ew.
What else... I think I might play with my furry animal friends do something adventurous and hang out with Nick.
I had a great week, and I think I have a greaterest one to come. Maybe I'll finish the whole Series of Unfortunate Events books. I am through book number 5 and have been itching for more!!!
Ok, that's enough typing for now, I am going to start my break by renting a hott movie... well, maybe not hott... but good... yeah.
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
A Turn
Yesterday while talking to my dear friend Tasha I realized something:
Tasha was talking about how she is being freed from all this stuff that she has been carrying around with her. She shared with me Luke 15... I was listening, I really was... but while she was talking I was coming to a realization. I need to pick myself up everyday, dust myself off and move on. I want to have fun and spend time with people, and do cool things. I hate how I have somehow become more unstable than I was before I came here to CMU. Maybe it's stress, but I never let "unfortunate or hard" things be an excuse to get me down before!!! I want my struggles to be stepping stones, my hurts to be spring boards for a better life, a deeper joy.
So, all in all I think the turn is something that could be huge, right now I am just taking it a day at a time. Which is what I used to do...
I am glad the sun is out today. At least it's sorta out.
Tonight I have small group, and then I will sleep.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
The End
My car was crashed by a dear friend and because I took a risk, and couldn't afford full insurance on my car my dear friend and her parents are now thousands of dollars further into debt. I hate this. I want it all to just go away. I am trying to listen to the voice of reason, I am trying to let it go... but last night I couldn't.
A Night to Forget
I am black and blue because I had no way out
I couldn't run
I couldn't hide
I couldn't tell anyone
I tried, I tried to ask for help
There is no one on this earth to help
God was there, but I couldn't feel Him
I wanted to so badly, but I was hurting
Frustrated, angry, sad, worn out, pathetic
I couldn't run
I couldn't hide
I couldn't tell anyone
I am black and blue because I had no way out
I still want to run away, but as the day goes on I am feeling more and more like I want to stay, stay me, stay here... just go back to normal. God is bringing me people today that are showing His love for me, and I am grateful to Him for that.
Something is going to happen soon. I don't know what, but it's something.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Back into action
Speaking of experiments, I have to do some research for my philosophy of Recreation, Parks, and Leisure course. Tonight my task is to write up the abstract. hmmmmmm... How does one do something like that? Guess I'll just do my best at BS-ing my way through it.
I'd like to give a shout out to my GB-study friends. I was just talking about how all of you rock, and I love spending time with you when I get a chance. I am looking forward to seeing you all again soon and living out my life as a musical as we act like fools breaking into song randomly. And I think we all need some of James' famous heartfelt lemonade. :)
So this weekend I went to Genesis. God blessed me and I think our whole chapter hugely there. Worship was great!! I love gospel! The seminar I attended got me really excited for things to come, and of course car rides and staying up, and giggling a lot made us all closer. I am glad I had the opportunity to go.
This week I have two tests and yeah... other stuff to work on. It should be a pretty productive week.
I have my mind on a lot of "things" so I hope that all works out ok.
A side note about my freaky life:
There is a good chance I might have been watched by this guy with creepy intentions last night around 9-10:15pm. I was at the library and this guy kept looking at me. At first I thought he just thought I was hott or something, but the looking got a little out of hand. So then he left... Then he came back... Still looking... So then I had to go to work. I got up, pushed in my chair and turned to leave. When I turned I heard this guy get up. He was watching me while I was getting ready to leave... So I was pretty freaked at this point. I decided not to turn around, but to just keep walking. I was thinking of a way to make him not behind me anymore so I thought I'd go into java city and see if he would pass by.... Well, when I got to the entrance of java city I realized no one was in there and that I'd have no way out if he followed me in there. So I kept walking... I put my keys in between my fingers so I had some kind of chance of defending myself. At this point I was very concerned. As I walked outside I looked behind me and saw he was watching me. I prayed... "God please protect me". Then the guy was gone, I couldn't see him anymore. I got in my car as fast as I could. While I was driving I saw him walking by the road. I looked at him as I drove by, it was very erie as he looked right back at me. Then he started running towards my car/in the same direction I was going. I have no idea who this guy was and whether he was upset and needed a friend/help and didn't know who to go to (I almost turned around to see cause I started feeling bad for him... He kinda looked like he had been roughed up or something that day) or if he was just a guy who wanted to do something weird to someone. Nevertheless my eyes are out for this guy. It will be interesting to see if I ever see him again.