Friday, August 05, 2005

Adventures in Grandma Land


So, lately I have been doing a lot of things. Not big things, just quite a few little things.

The other day I came home from work and told my grandma I wanted to go somewhere fun, do something fun, or spend a rediculous amount of money on something I don't need. Now when I said I wanted to spend money I was of course talking about her money and not mine! heh...

ANYWAY, we made plans for the next day (Wednesday) because it was my day off. Our plan was to go to an antique store or two, and then go some place I wanted to go. We settled for this choice after ruling out a cruise. We thought one day would not be enough time for a cruise. :)

So, Wednesday comes and both antique stores we go to are closed! Apparently places like these are only open on the weekend these days. This being said it was my turn. I had a few items that I was dreaming to spend money on:
A Clavinova
A MAC laptop
A Digital Camera
Two Video games and accessories
Jewelry of sorts
A purse because honey exploded in mine

That was biggest dream to smallest... I discussed my dream with my grandma and decided I was in an electronics mood so we went for the video games. Grandma's don't know much about video games and so it wasn't very easy for her to catch on to the vision... I did end up getting three DVDs though... she knows about movies.

We left the video game store with the conclusion that grandma would check her finances at home and see if she could get me what I wanted. I learned soon after it was just code for, "it's easier for me to spend my money on other things that I know about, so you have to wait for your electronic bongos that I know nothing about".

We decided to skip over to JC Penny to see if we could at least get me a purse. We went to the purse section and I ended up getting two, and a pair of sunglasses. heh...

For those of you who don't know, I spent most of my early childhood with my grandparents. They live right next door to me and I went to their house nearly everyday. This means not only am I very close to my grandma, but that she lavished me with expensive gifts all growing up. I remember going shopping with her and she'd buy me expensive clothes at private clothes shops... yeah... I know... ew.

OK... so back to my story. We walked past some khaki capris that caught my eye because they were cute and they were 70% off! Grandma suggested that I might as well try on some clothes while I was there since there were such great sales. I agreed it would be a good idea. My arms were bursting with clothes by the time I made it to the dressing room... she just kept loading me up. We were having a good time. I really was enjoying shopping with her. We were both doing something we really enjoyed and we could relate to eachother.

Then we got to the cash register. Before we arrived I asked if I should just pick a few of my favorite things, but of course grandma insisted I just take them all. I thought the total would be a little over $100, maybe $150......... $300!!!! IT WAS Stinkin' $300!!!!!!!!!! I freaked out and was like... "No, that's too much"... we can't spend that much, I was thinking... oh man! I was panacked. I have never (or atleast never known that I was) spending that much money on so little clothes, and never all at once. I was ready to hyperventilate. Grandma of course insisted it was ok, although I think she was a little in shock too! We went out into the lobby and I looked over the receipt pondering how it could have possibly added up to that much. I bought quite a few nice items, and I never shop at JC Penny unless something is $15 or less. All the clothes I bought were for work this fall, so it turned out they were reasonable for the amount and quality.

I don't like this being an adult and buying real clothes thing. I can't believe I own that much worth of clothes... and they are not even complete outfits. I still have to get a few shirts. I am just blown away. I haven't wanted to look at clothes or even get dressed in anything but my pajamas. UGH! I feel so bad. I just keep thinking about all the little kids in this and other countries and how much $300 could buy them. It makes me feel sick.

So anyway, I had a really great time until I got to the cash register. Today my grandma wants to take me back out and get me the video game I wanted. She really is a spender... I guess though, she doesn't really have anybody else to spend it on anymore, and she is very generous in her giving.

I have another story, but I'll put it in a separate blog.... this one is really long!

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