Friday, August 05, 2005


My puppy is supposed to be born any minute! Princess, my mom's Miniature Pincher was breed with her manly friend Spike, who is a Chihuahua. I'll add that he is about hlaf her size... she is kinda chubby. Spike is four pounds and Princess is 10 pounds when she's not pregnant. I asked my mom if she would breed them again so I could have one of the puppies because I fell in love with one of the "Pinuahua" from the first batch that has been promised to Josh. That puppies name is Stevie, after Stevie Wonder. Stevie has a problem called "water on the brain" that causes him to run in circles, bang into walls, and bob his head back and forth like Stevie Wonder. A perfect dog for my brother I might add! He is even tall and lanky... oh and he prances. lol

Anyway, I have been looking forward to this puppy since the last batch (about a year ago) when my mom said I could have one. She said she would pay for it's shots and get me all set up with a "puppy starter kit". When it's ready to leave it's mother it will be able to fit in my pocket!! AWWW!!!

BUT there is some sad news about my puppy endeavors. I didn't think it would be a problem for me to have a puppy where I am living because the Fountains let Joy have her very large and very charming cat, Bubba. My puppy, even when full grown will be half the size of Bubba. When I asked them on the phone if it would be alright they said no!!! Oh, I was heart broken. I want so badly to have a little compainion to come home to, one that will always love me and want cuddles. Since Maria needs to stay with her parents I thought a puppy was the next best thing! Oh.... I can not tell you how very sad I am right now.

I am going up to Mt. Pleasant on Monday and I am going to talk to them again. I am going to explain just how small this little pup will be and explain that it can't really cause any trouble and if it did I would sign a contract to repair/replace anything that needed to be. I am hoping if I give them my "sad face" and a good argument then it might work. I have just been looking forward to it for so long!

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