This is my cat:

Her name is Blossom... like Apple Blossom. We met about 10 years ago when she was born and I named her. She was the 1st of the litter and my new friend. We've been through many happy years minus some nibbles and scratches here and there. Today was a sad day for us.
We came home from my grandma's house after eating pizza, opening presents and sharing funny stories across the table. Grandma's house was very pretty and shiney, it was great!
Anyway, I was going about my business getting ready to travel back up to Mt. Pleasant for the night with my Bro and I saw Blossom sitting at the bottom of the stairs; Mind you she was recently paralyzed from a blood clot in her spine and so does not have use of her back legs from the knee down (If a cat had a knee). Anyway, it was the first time I saw her since the tragic blood clot and I was trying to be extra nice! She was rubbing up on me, nuzzling my face... awww!!
Then I picked her up to put her on my lap to pet and cuddle her. As soon as I put her on my lap she BIT me!!! HARD!!!! AHHH! I moved her away and my hand started oozing blood. As I walked up the stairs it kept oozing! WHAT THE!! She bit me really hard all the way down to a vein in my hand below my thumb. Her whole mouth went around that area to the other side of my hand, but the main puncture was on the palm of my hand. I went and showed my family and they helped me clean it and bandage it. It hurt a lot. I didn't cry but I wanted to, not because of the pain, but because my cat bit me. What a jerk. She really should be put down for biting someone so hard, but I think we all feel sad for her poor paralyzed legs! My dad just ordered her a wheelchair off E-bay. Anyway, now I am throbbing and bitter! lol
Here is a picture of my sad injury:

I'll post pictures of my presents and our evening at Grandma's later. Right now I am off to Mt. Pleasant!
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