Well, this was the most disconnected holiday weekend ever!!! To the left you will find my disconnected face.
It all started on Thursday when I stayed home alone upon orders of my grandmother. I had planned to travel to her house (45mins away) for a delicious meal and a chance to see her and grandpa after 4 months of nearly zero contact. She said the roads were too bad.
Instead of turkey (which I must mention is one of my most favorite foods), I ate pizza rolls for lunch, took back movies that I had rented on Wednesday (2 for 1!) and decided to go to Mejier while I was out to make something "special" to eat for dinner. I can't really afford to do a thing like that, but I thought since it was Thanksgiving, and I was lonely it was justified enough. Well, justification never wins, and I should know this by now, but once again I am slapped in the face with my own actions.
So, I went to Mejier and was walking around the isles thinking that I'd get anything that looked good... just go for it! I passed by some chicken, pizzas, more chicken, frozen dinners... nothing seemed pleasing. Then I saw them, BUTTERY BISCUITS!!! AND THEY WERE ON SALE!!! Oh boy! I decided I'd get some, but needed something to go with them. Across the way I spotted frozen chicken bites that you warm up in the microwave, like the chicken you find at a chinese restaurant. Then I remembered the chinese restaurant Great Wall was open, cause I noticed it while returning my movies. I said, what the heck, I'll just go get some!!
My adventure continues.... I order General Tso's chicken and an order of Crab Rangoons. Mind you, I only like chinese food that is not sweet and General Tso's chicken is supposed to be spicy. I also don't really like crab at all, but the other day some co-workers of mine got some crab rangoon's and I liked them cause they didn't really have much crab in them that I could tell. So I get my loot, spending too much on it, but justifying that I'd get a few meals out of the deal so it was worth it. I brought it home, opened it up and eyed it expectantly.... I couldn't wait for spicy and cheesey goodness!
SOOOO.... the food sucked! The chicken wasn't even a hint spicy, not even a little burn! it tasted like candy, sweet and sticky! eWWWWWW!!! If I wanted candy I would have gotten some sweettarts! Then I thought, "well, at least I have the crab rangoons!".... no dice. They were so FULL of crab! I couldn't even pick it out! I ate around the edges and called it good. Basically I wasted too much money on crap that I forced down just to teach myself a lesson.
Thursday ended and I was looking forward to get back to work on Friday just so I didn't have to be alone.
Friday was good. I planned a special party for the residents. We had a "t" party! There was tinsel, tang, tea, TINGO, Turtles, and Triscuts! Everyone had a name tag on and so their names started with 'T'. It was a grand time.
I came home with another boring night ahead of me.... and that is just what it turned out to be. Sarah took her laptop home and the library was closed so I didn't even have the internet to amuse me.
Saturday was a productive day, I cleaned a lot! I feel a lot better about living in my apt. now that it's clean. I sorted through old and unwanted food giving away what I could and pitching the rest. My kitten and I had a good time bonding, but it just wasn't the same as a good human!
This morning I was REALLY prodcutive. I did the following all before 9:30am (that should tell you how early I got up... ew again) I cleaned out my refrigerator... acctually took trays out and scrubbed! I cleaned the microwave which was disgusting! I did some more dishes, cleaned the dining room table, and I finshed making my curtain for my room. Of course I discovered that the kitten peed on it so I have to wash it before I put it up, but at least it's done!
I went to church at 10:30. It was a good service!I sat by a cute couple, talked to some friends afterwards, played a new intstrument made of wood... it was indonesian, but I can't remember the name of it.
Now it's now. I am finally connected with the world through the good ol' internet and there are no e-mails to be found, no friends online, nothing... what a sucess! heh. I think I am going to go clean my bathroom. It's the last room to be spiffed and then the whole apt. will be clean(besides sarahh's room!).
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!
The Truth comes out... this is who I was really with this weekend and as you can see we were having a wonderful not to mention romantic time!
The Truth comes out... this is who I was really with this weekend and as you can see we were having a wonderful not to mention romantic time!

Erg Liz,
I'm sorry, I posted to your previous blog before reading this one and didn't realize your Thanksgiving was a bit "strange." Please forgive me,
Disconnected is a good word. I've used it a fair bit myself...
love you lizzzzzzz
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