Something about the wind blowing in from Canada is making me feel like the only way I can get onto AIM or MSN is if I update my blog first. hmmmm... I better be cautious.
So, I am here in Mt. Pleasant... Ah, how I love spring time on campus. The trees all have their leaves, the tulips are coming out, the grass is thick and green, and the crab apple and berry trees have their blossoms. I just love walking around here when everything is so beautiful.
I am taking one summer class: English 201 (advanced composition). It seems like it is going to be both intriguing and a lot of work.
*** I'm interrupting this update to tell you that a very gross man is sitting across from me and is coughing without covering his mouth. He is also moaning at random times, which I am assuming is him clearing his throat... He just looked at me... Maybe he can sense I am writing about him! AHHH***
Anyway, back to school... I am looking forward to being able to work hard at one class and do really well. I already had one test that counted towards my grade and it's only the second day of class. I didn't fail it! YAY!
I start my summer job soon, and for those of you who don't know yet, I will be working for Listening Ear. I am going to be working in a group home on midnight shifts probably 3 times a week and also helping a couple guys do things in the community... I am assuming recreation, grocery shopping, etc. I am not sure of all the details yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I know. I have a three hour meeting on Thursday morning where I will fill out paper work and watch some sort of video.
So, sad news... My grandpa is in the hospital. I don't feel like talking about it right now because I feel like I have told the story so many times. I can say though that I am learning a lot, and being tested at my limits. God is working in my family, and in me, yet tragedy is also at work. It is interesting to see how everyone reacts.
(krista, I can't believe I forgot to tell you this story... She is still mad me)
So, when I got home to my actual house and was going to be there for more than a few hours it wasn't until about Thursday of last week when I had actually been in town since the previous Friday. So on that day I decided I should do some much needed laundry. There was laundry in the washer and dryer that belonged to dad, Joe and Dee. I took the laundry from the dryer and set in on a big tupper ware container like usual, and put the clothes from the wash in the dryer. As usually expected, upon the ding of the dryer I took the clothes out and put them on top of the first pile. I went about my business not really thinking much of my actions since it is the way things have been done for a long long time.
The next day I got a phone call from a friend and decided to take it outside. When I got back in Dee said "Liz, did your dad talk to you about the laundry", I said "no" and looked at her quizzically. "Well", she said "Next time... The hangers are sitting right there can you just hang up the clothes instead of piling them in a big heap, I don't want them to get wrinkled."
UGH!!!!! OK, for real people, these "clothes" were mostly random lounge clothes that were ugly anyway and no one should ever wear, besides what the heck?!?! Why was she confronting me about this anyway, how was I supposed to know that the hangers were supposed to be used or if they were extras, and why was this expectation of a new practice put on me when I was just doing what was always done????
So, I say to her that I was only doing what I have always done, and she says she just wants me to be more considerate... blah blah... So I am upset and want to say really horrible things, but decided to tell her that maybe next time I will, or maybe I won't. I then proceed to go down stairs and slam the door as hard as I can. I am sitting in my room thinking very nasty cuss words, and wanting to punch something. I was just so taken aback that this new rule, or expectation or whatever was put on my shoulders when I didn't even know it existed, and when I didn't come through, Dee gets upset. UGH AGAIN!! Oh man, I was so mad... More mad than I have been in a long time. The act of helping with laundry itself was not the big deal, I like helping... It was the way I was reprimanded with an upset look and tone when I didn't do anything wrong. I decided to take matters further by confronting Dee. I took a few deep breaths and walked up stairs.
I go up stairs and tell her "Never tell me to do something like that after the fact again! If you want me to help with the laundry just say: "Liz, I am really busy today, can you please take those clothes and put them on hangers for me?". "Don't get upset when I don't do something I didn't even know I was supposed to do!" My speech gets long after this and I proceed to tell her how I don't like staying at home because I don't like things are done around there. I don't feel like it's my home anymore. I wish dad was there, and if he were I'd come home more often. I told her that Sandy's house was where I felt at home. She tried to say as she always does "I am sorry that you feel that way, what can I do to change it?" The point was though, and I told her this... I wanted to see Dad... That's what would make things better. He is barely home, and when he is they are in their room having sex (I left the sex part out). Anyway, it's true. I left upset and unresolved, but I think I got my point across.
Sunday at church I went over to Dee and Dad to say hello. Oh man, was she still mad... It had been two days! Anyway... I got over her stupidness, so I figured she'd be over my rebuttal... Apparently not. She wouldn't talk to me, and when she looked at me she gave me "the look". Now her look is different than a regular "mom look". This is worse. This is a "you made me upset, I want things my way, I am gonna get them, I got your daddy and you can't do anything about it look". Oh man... It is scary. So... That's how things are right now... We'll see with all the extra stress of my grandpa how it unfolds.
WOW, this is a really long entry... Perhaps I'll write more tomorrow. There is something else I want to write about, but I'll just have to keep you in suspense!!
The Canadian wind is a-blowin'! Thanks for the update!
I am sorry for your fight, but you have written it so gracefully, you made a really funny story for me to read tonight, especially the sex part. Hee hee. Gross!
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