Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So last night I was reading through my posts from 2004. It's always fun for me to look back on my old entries. It's interesting because I get too feelings. I feel happy and reminicent of the good postings, and memories come flooding into my mind. On the sad or venting postings I really can't remember feeling the way that I did. I think when I am upset or unsure about how I feel about something writing really helps me defuse my feelings and figure things out. Either way I enjoy looking back.
While looking back I came across some comments from anonymous comments and laughed with confusion not knowing who they would be!!

Anyway if these are you, fess up! I wanna know who you are! It's been 3 years already! I can't take the mystery!! :) Here are the comments that I found particularly enjoyable:

Hey Lizzie!! So sorry to hear about your accident but much releived to hear you are okay. Its a good thing no one found you after the accident, took you home and pretended you were their dead spouse who deserted the military so you had to remain in hiding until a nice mofia man gave you a job to fly to Mexico where you saw your fiance from your former life, and made them cry but still didn't remember them. Tell everyone I say "Hi!" and I miss them and Chicago sucks so I'm coming back to Michigan in 2 months. Bye Liz!

Sorry to hear about your big blue cow. My personal opinion is that a big blue llama would definately become your friend and would treat your clean clothes respectfully...Anonymous at least to myself

Hope everyone is having a good day! I miss you guys!!

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