Sunday, October 14, 2007

Things I like to do

I felt like writing something, but I wasn't really sure what to write. So, I decided i'd be random!

This post was inspired by a song called I like hubcaps by Brak-- you can see his inspiring song here--


Here are some things that I like to do...

  • going for walks in the woods and going off the path to follow an interesting trail
  • riding my bike, especially with friends
  • riding trains
  • moose traks ice cream, and double choc. brownies
  • my grandparents
  • playing softball
  • going to new restaurants
  • looking at pictures
  • playing guitar
  • singing
  • dancing, and ddring
  • playing video games
  • swimming!
  • talking on the phone and leaving long messages on voicemail
  • playing on the computer
  • puddle splashing
  • cuddling and kissing and hugging
  • tickle scratches and massages
  • going to the movies
  • learning new things-- especially about people
  • listening to music
  • buying presents
  • doing dishes
  • cooking when I have a reason
  • being silly

Stuff that I like...

  • animals-- cats, dogs, dolphins, whales, hedgehogs, pigs, llamas, bunnies, fish, etc.
  • shoes
  • socks
  • perfume
  • candles
  • pictures and artwork
  • gadgets
  • utensils
  • pillows and blankeys
  • Chia Tea Latte

more specific favorites:

  • I love going for walks with a friend and talking and discovering. I like going on walks alone and pretending I am a naturalist; listening for sights and sounds, identifying plants and animals... I like the woods.
  • I love sitting on the couch with a friend and cuddling up close to watch a movie, or just to sit and enjoy eachother.
  • My favorite food is dill pickles, although I am now beginning to enjoy garlic stuffed olives. And I also enjoy yellow peppers from subway.
  • I love buying a new pair of shoes and putting them on with just the right outfit.
  • I enjoy so much to have my back scratched (on my skin)... ooo goose bumps!
  • I like trying to cook new things and then having them turn out.
  • My favorite thing to do with down time is watch a tv episode or two, followed by a nap and/or guitar.
  • I LOVE sitting with people who are jamming on guitar or piano and just listening, letting the music envelope me like a blanket of peace.
  • I like reading intense books; most likely true stories or memoirs, as well as youth novels and childrens story books.
  • I love turning up my music and dancing around my living room, pretending I know how to do ballet or pretending I can shake my booty like a pro. What a show people would get if they peeked in my window.
  • I enjoy going down to the beach at work and letting the wind hit my face, sinking my feet into the sand, and breathing in the almost clean air, imagining I am someplace else.

I wish I could say I like pinapple upside-down cake, but I don't... I am still wondering though, why it is upside-down!!

That's all for now folks, there will be more of my freakishness to come soon!

I like

1 comment:

Joylynn Rasmussen said...

Chai tea lattes are my favorite too!!!