Sunday, June 13, 2004


Does anyone have any advice to give me on what kind of car I should get if I have to buy a new one? I could go for a new to me used to someone else car, or a pretty brand new one, if I can afford payments and insurance. I am leaning towards GM as I will get a discount from Dee when she marry's my dad. I want something practical, affordable, reliable, economical, and cute(ish) (but ugly is ok too). Post a comment if you have any recommendations! Thanks guys!

Today I took a nap, ah.... it was nice! And now I am going to work, Sandwich City HERE I COME!!! AND I'M BRINGING THE BEAST!!! a.k.a. my brother's jeep. :)

I got my room rarranged and threw away a bunch of crap! That was fun. perhaps I'll post a pic of it soon.

Later Taters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Chevy Aveo is a reasonably priced vehicle, and could be considered "cute."