Wednesday, May 17, 2006

CFW/ Summer Kick-off!!

CFW was pretty sweet. Of course, Cedar Campus is beautiful, so that enhanced the week even more. It rained a little, but we did have some good sunny days in the begining of the week.

This year I worked on crew. It gave me quite a different experience than I am used to with InterVarsity events. I worked on a playground they are making on Mariners Cove side. I got to work with power tools like saws, a router, a sander, and screw-drivers and stuff. It was pretty darn sweet. Here is where you can see the plans of what it is supposed to look like when it's finished:
At the end of the week, I worked on the Pool house; taking out the old filter, installing insulation, and general clean-up. On my last day I went out to the trails with the fellas and helped clear a path and put down limestone for the ski trails. It was pretty windy, but enjoyable just the same. I really had a great week, full of good food, hard work, a few naps, a sweet massage, a lovely gift, lots of outside time, a sunburn, Skip-bo, awesome worship, tons of prayer, a frustrating/meaningful team-builder, pranks, and good networking... oh and not to mention a great road-trip and stop at a restaurant (2P)!!! It was definitely a great last CFW for me. I will keep it close to my heart always.

Today is my first day at my internship. I am very much looking forward to the summer. I moved my stuff in, and I am excited to pimp-out my "living space". I am going to make the most of that 5ish sq. ft!!!! I already have the tallest bed, so it can't get much better than that! I'll post pictures soon if I get a chance.

If anyone would like to write to me here is my address:

P.O. Box 97
Rives Junction MI, 49277

I also enjoy e-mails and facebook messages!!!

Here are a few pics from CFW

Awww!! Me and my Amber

These are my really hott pajamas. We are powering-up the glow-in-the-dark feature!

I got the watch and Nick doesn't have the time, or a calculator!

Kristin looks too natural in that mustache!

Me and the girls, my frist time on the BEAR!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I miss Cedar Campus and CFW and you guys!