Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Darn My Human Heart!

Why is it, that when everything's going just fine, I find a way to screw it all up with a stupid comment from the depths of my pathetic soul?

Seriously, why do our minds and hearts work the way they do, and how is it that when you are hoping to not screw things up in an important and fragile relationship that one manages to say something idiotic to throw things off balance?

OR, how is it that the one who says something stupid thinks that everything is screwed up, it's all doomed and then the other one says, "It's ok, no biggie" AH! How does that happen, forgiveness when it's not due, a smooth and untainted reaction to what could potentially be a disaster.

For real, how is one to know which scenario will occur at any given moment?

I suppose this is just the reason that one should always be thinking before they speak, because it's not worth saying something stupid and maybe hurting someone, or just sounding rediculous.

GAH! I think I should run away to another country, I feel that will solve all of life's stresses, worries, problems, and crap like that. I'll just run! That's Healthy, just run far away! heh...

1 comment:

Joylynn Rasmussen said...

Running away does sound good at the moment Liz. Hang in there, if you stay, I'll stay too.