Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Reasons for not updating/my life sucks right now with a few good parts

Ok Let's tackle this in order shall we!!

Reasons for not updating in over a week:

#1- I was embarrassed to share my pathetic news

#2- I tried to and the piece of "ess" computer deleted it

Why my Life Sucks Right Now:

#1- I am currently unemployed and living in a new city far from home with no way to pay my rent or any other bills for that matter but to go back home and work... but who wants to do that??

#2- I lost my job on what I thought was my first official day. And on top of that it was for no apparent reason. The lady said I was a wonderful person, kind and caring. She didn't give me anything I could do better. I don't really understand what happened. It sucked. Basically I think she was freaking out because she is losing her current nanny of 2 years, who knows the kids so well... She doesn't want to start over. That's the only thing I could think of. I will be curious to know how things work out for her...

#3- Did I mention I don't have a job?? Oh I did? Yeah, well... no job means nothing to do, and I can't even go and do anything because I can't spend money. I am stuck in the house or at the library all day, all by my self. And if any of you know me, you'll know that me and extended amounts of alone time aren't very good. Everyday gets harder to keep good spirits.

#4- I have to go home and work.... that sucks. It sucks because I have to leave Sarah here, and I know she doesn't want to spend the whole week alone. It sucks because I have to drive back there for working, not for fun visiting. It sucks because I'll probably have to stay there a few weeks if I don't find a job here in Palatine! AHHH!!

The Good Parts of My Life:

#1- Church! Currently I am attending Willow Creek and so far I am enjoying it. It's huge, which takes some getting used to, but they have great teaching and good programs.

#2- New friends; Through church I have met some people. I signed up for a "table" in the "Neighborhood" program at Willow. Basically, that program is trying to encourage good community. We are starting out meeting once a month and then will create Bible Studies, and then serve the community together. It sounds like a great plan and I thought I'd jump in and support it, try it out since it was just beginning last week. The people at my table were good, most were at least 18-20 years older than I, but weere still lovely for the most part. It's definitely not a place where I will be able to have a IV community feel, but still a group of people I can invest in. I will be looking for a small group aside from this as well through the 18-25yr old group called Axis at the church. Hopefully I will find something there that will fit my needs.

#3- I like Sarah. Things are really rough for both of us right now due to personal issues we both have, which makes life a challenge. Despite that though we are staying strong and supporting eachother however we can. It is good living with her.

#4- I had an interview on Monday and it went well. The family has two children; Samuel, 6 and Leah, 2.5 (pronounced like the princess). I got to meet Samuel during my interview. He is a gifted child, and in the five minutes I was with him I could tell. He said the word Bioiluminescence!!!! AHH!!! I was in awe. The exciting thing about this family is that I would get to work with Samuel on his physical and social development as he is a little behind because of his giftedness. He does lots of programs throughout the week that excite me greatly, one of which is swimming. I am spending the day with the children on this coming Tuesday. I am looking forward to it, but I am not getting my hopes up until I fill out my tax forms and write down my hire date on them!!

#5- Today is Wednesday! That means I get to sing and dance and praise Jesus at church. Willow has a Wed. night service called New community. I am excited to go! They are doing a series right now on the Holy Spirit called, Third Person. This is the second week of it and I am looking forward to the continuation!

#6- The marathon is this weekend!! That means that Sarah's sister Emily is coming, and Rebecca, and a couple of Ems friends too! Sarah and Em are running and I will be getting text message updates at every split they pass on the course! It's so exciting. We are running around the city to follow them and I am pumped!!! I can't wait to see them cross that finish line, especially Emily because this is her first marathon!! It should be an interesting weekend, that's for sure!!

Ok, that is all I have for now! I gotta get home cause Shawn is picking us up for church soon!

I miss you all very much!


Sara said...

I completely understand your frustration, since I've been unemployed for 3 months. However, this week I was told I didn't get the job I REALLY wanted, but then a few days later I got offered another job. God is good, even when you are mad at Him. Things will work out.

Anonymous said...

Great update, Liz! But, I'm extra glad we got to chat last night on the phone.

Sarahhh said...

holy crap liz. that sucks. but the good news totally rocks. I'm jealous.
