Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The beginning of Their Life Together Has Begun

Well, Jessica and James are officially married and are now on their honeymoon in Niagara Falls.

The weddings day was great. Jess looked so beautiful and James so handsome. The ceremony fit them well, and the reception did too. Very classy and well put together. Everything went pretty smoothly except for the part where Jess's Dad stepped on her train and ripped it off right as we were getting ready to walk in. It was a definite moment of panick, but luckily the wedding coordinator (Carmen-- the pastors wife) saved the day.

Megan was at the reception which was fun. We had a really good time dancing the night away. I went to Megan's mom's house that night to sleep. It was nice to catch up with her and to see Jeff too.

Sunday Krista came to visit and we had a wonderful time, even if it was short. It was so good to look at her face again... aww! We went out to Arby's for dinner and then had ice cream and a meeting with my family for her ministry with IV next year. It was hard to say goodbye to her, but we set up another date for us to get together soon! A whole day of fiendishness!!

This week is our last week of summer camp. We have the teens this week until Wednesday and then Clean-up until Friday. After that I will hopefully be helping people pack up and move to their new locations. I am looking forward to helping, although I will miss my friends very much when we all leave this place. The are precious to me and I don't want to lose them.

OK, well... Archery is in 30 minutes! WOOT! It should be a great time. I'll update soon hopefully about the rest of my week.

BUB dudes!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Ongoing Wedding Update

I will be updating as things happen today just because I can!

Last night we had the bridal party party and rehearsal dinner. The girls went for manicures while the guys went out to the movies. It was a good time. After that we went to the church for the reahearsal.

Adrian and I are walking down the isle together which is very exciting. We wanted to walk arm-in-arm, but the pastor convinced J&J that we shouldn't. He thought it would look funny. I'm still bitter. Why are people so stupid about things?? Anyway, we are walking side-by-side now because according to the pastor it looks "more attractive" that way. Let's just say Adrian and I have an ongoing joke under our breath about how attractive we look. hee hee...

After the rehearsal we went to Cranberries to eat some delicious dinner! I ate myself sick, as did everyone. We had Spinach Dip, warm bread, as well as fried pickles and mushrooms for appetizers. I had fish for dinner.... and Adrian and I had Truffle Cake for desert!!! OOOO!!! It was sooo good!

Adrian and I went to Ann Arbor to pick up her boyfriend Dan. We got back at almost 1:00. I went to bed and didn't realize it was morning until 8:00. It was wonderful!!!! SCORE!!! I had weird dreams, but it was so restful at the same time.

This morning we all got up and had Baked French Toast, bacon and sausage. Now James and his Dad are jamming in the livingroom. It feels so good to be around good random music. I miss jamming with friends.

Soon it will be time to take a shower and go to the salon to get our hair done. I am very excited for the day. I want to make it fun and giggle a lot!

I was dreading coming home, but so far things are going exceptionally well and I am enjoying myself very much. I am still wondering how camp is. This morning the kids are going home, so I am thinking of everyone during dismissal.

More on the wedding later!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

List of Things that Make me Smile

I was inspired by my dear Krista to make a list of things that make me smile. She said to do 10 things, but I just kept on going!!

--giving a massage
--playing with peoples hair
--washing a dirty dish
--playing with a dog's ears
--squeezing my boyfriend pillow
--laughing until it hurts
--playing on a playground
--riding way too long on a bike
--getting my skin tickle scratched...mmm...
--eating ice cream
--worshiping with my hands up tears streaming down my face and grooving to the tunes
--seeing someone I love succeed/perform
--Being totally obnoxious at the right moments
--new socks
--helping people just the way they need it
--long tight hugs
--snuggling during a nap
--smelling and kissing a babies head
--holding hands
--cooking with a friend
--letting people be Skippy of the Bo
--studying the Bible with a friend/group
--photo shoots
--spontaneously breaking out in song and dance
--peanut butter M&Ms
--Google searching
--walking on the beach and feeling how soft my feet are afterwards
--playing in the rain
--Mom G's chocolate chip oatmeal and Christmas cookies
--talking on the phone for hours about nothing and everything all at once
--Caesar pitas from Pita Pit
--hand massages
--smacking butts
--driving with the windows open and music pumping, especially at intersections
--road trips
--Cedar Campus
--wrapping up in a blanket and squeezing my boyfriend pillow