Thursday, June 22, 2006

Another Day

Today is another day, it's similar to the day before in that the Sun came up, and we are doing the same things we did yesterday here at camp, but it feels different. I feel much, much better than I did yesterday.

Every time I start focusing on myself I lose sight of my real purpose. I know I feel called to be a strong support of the people here, but sometimes I just feel tired and worn and down. All I want is for some one to hold me and take care of me. Thankfully yesterday God was like "Dude, it's not about what you want... even if someone held you all day long and gave you kisses, told you how valuable you are it would only be a temporary fix. I am your real fix, I am the one who will fulfill you." I was like "Crap! I know! Sorry God, that was loserish of me."

I think everyday this issue will be a struggle: me trying to find the love I think I want, or deserve, or long for only to be dissapointed by people and realize I was looking in the wrong place. I think God gives us all people, but He gives us Himself first. I need to remember that!

Sorry for being so deep, it's just what I am thinking about this week. I feel like I am rambling on, so I am going to stop now before I get every one confused, myself included!

To all my friends: I love and cherish you. I miss you while I am here and I think of you often. I am praying for you. I have to go to the Zipline now, I'll pray for you while I am catching little children!! :)

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