Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Oh man!

I am back in Mt. Pleasant and boy am I happy to be here! I am hanging out with my buddy Lisa, acctually she went on a round cause she's a cool RA.

Today I got my haircut again. I am bald now... just kidding! It is shorter than the first time I cut it, but I like it! It's all spikey in the back which is enjoyable.

I was supposed to have a get together at my place today, but I ended up going over to Lisa's and getting Hotwings with her. She loved them so much, and it made me so happy! Sometimes I forget how much Lisa and I connect when we don't talk very often. I really enjoy her company and I think we can relate quite well to each other.

Ok, I am done with this now. I have to talk to my friends now.


Sarahhh said...


I'm about to leave...see you soon :-)

Anonymous said...

hi....so you need a new post. Now. This is getting old. The end.

Sara said...

I miss you. I wish I could hang out with you in the big Mt. P. I love you!

Anonymous said...