Friday, July 01, 2005

Foolish Me

I am a fool. I am convinced that I am.

I get a blessing just in time to mess something else up that makes it seem like the blessing never happened!

Living simply is easier when one doesn't have any money. However, using money one does not have is also very easy. Especially when it has to do with calling another country to talk to a friend. I have now lost almost the exact amount that was just gifted to me the other day to fix my car.

It's times like these that I feel like such an idiot. I don't know how I am going to pay for all the crap I have to pay for. Oh yeah... and my rent is due today... ha... Dear Lord please help me.

My day was really good until about 30 minutes ago. Maria and I played all morning long and I watched Pimp My Ride... one of my favorite shows!!

I really hope I get on the Price is Right and win a large sum of money, or gifts that I can sell for a large sum of money. Is it OK to pray to win a game show?? I mean, Bob supports animal population control... that's a moral cause right?!?! :)

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