Monday, November 21, 2005

Early in the Morning

Hello all, near and far!!

I have been meaning to update, but never did I have the words, motivation, or yeah... that's about it. Today is a different story!

Today is the begining of a 3 week stretch of top performance in all areas from you guess who!!! I Have a big paper to write/compile by Dec. 9th for my internship, student loans to figure out, scholarships to pin down, and regular life to deal with.

My plan is to set a 20min. timer everyday and write for my internship paper. I could even do it at lunch time if I so choose, which would be really great!! After the 20 mins is up I stop! I promised a prof. I would try this method. I am combatting with my stress and procrastination about this dumb thing. I just want to do well!!!!

In other news, I got a kitten!!! I'll post a picture of her soon. She is fluffy and small and cute and cries a lot. I think she still misses her other family. They had cats, dogs, and kids there. I have had her for about 10 days. Overall she's pretty good, just whiney.

Hmmm.... what else?? Oh! Well, it feels as if my life is falling apart! YESSSS!!! In actuality I think God is trying to help me make my life come together, but in the process I am falling apart. I feel like there is something for me, a place I should be, work I should do, people I should serve. I don't think this thing is Rec. Therapy, but I know I will certainly use many of the things I learned in my course work and internships.... prayer prayer prayer... that's what I need!!

I am looking for a job for next semester and I am not going to be a student so if anyone thinks of any non-student jobs please let me know. I think I am willing to do just about anything. I am planning on having more than one job, so part-time work is perfect!!!

I am also trying to figure out where to do my second internship. If anyone has any brilliant ideas of where I can go to work with any sort of special population besides the elderly please give me a shout out!!!! Oh boy am I desperate!

I have to go to work now, I am on 1st floor this week. Last week it was a disaster, we'll see if it's any better this week! I hope it is!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm disturbed... they were giving away kids? What kind of place was that?!?!?!?!?!