Monday, August 23, 2004


Well, I am moving back to school on Wednesday. I am very excited, but also kind of sad. I will miss Subway and the girls there. I will miss Sandy, John, and the baby Maria. I have made good friends, and Maria and I have bonded sooo much this summer. It's been great.

I am looking forward to InterVarsity, and seeing my friends from school again though. And I think living with Laura and Danielle is going to be a blast! And I am so looking forward to having a regular schedule where I do the same thing every week, and there are always people around, and responsibilities to take care of. This summer has been super easy for me as far as that goes, so I am looking forward to the challenge of the school year.

I am taking some harder classes like Abnormal Psych, Social Problems, and some specific therapeutic rec. Classes, and also a pre-internship class. It should be a fun semester with lots of studying :( but also lots of game playing :D (in my rec. Classes!).

I will also miss my brother because he has been not around very much this summer either! And my Dad too. I can probably compile the amount of time I have seen him into about three days/72 hours tops. Wow, that is not very much. He was up north for most of the summer, and usually it worked out that the few days he was home I was not. I like my Dad, I wish I could have seen him more this summer.

That is the end of my pre-junior year story. I can almost smell the Mt. Pleasant air right now!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

A trip to Canada

Tuesday and Wednesday I went to Sarnia Ontario. The purpose of my trip was to meet with two lovely ladies, Amy and Krista. While I was there I got to see the whole family including 2month old Emily (who since she was premie is now unofficially a newborn) She is very squishy and little still. She is nice. I also got to see the famous Becky Swab. I like that girl, she is cool.

We got to go under the Bluewater bridge and see some boats and a freighter go by. Plus we played a silly rock throwing game which we made up ourselves.

Our trip home was good and had a great stop at Wendy's.

When I got home I watched "As Good as it Gets" and ate strawberries.

Then I got online and chatted for while. Then my stupid computer kept kicking me off... As I was trying to get it working my phone rang. It was Justin.

Justin and I talked for a while. I sat outside on my front porch until I heard a pack of coyotes howling across the road. Scared for my life and very tired at 1:00am, I let him go and ran inside.

Then I did my quiet time and went to bed. I don't remember my dreams, but I am sure they were weird.

So now I am talking to you here.

And then I stopped.