I was listening to Sara Groves while cleaning my kitchen and the song, "What Do I Know" came on. in this song it talks about Heaven, and not knowing all the details, but knowing for sure that being in heaven is being with the Lord and how great that would be. Part of this song struck me though, while I was sweeping the kitty litter and dust from my floor. For some reason the line brought tears to my eyes;
She lost her husband after 60 years
and as he slipped away,
she still had things to say
I was overwhelmed with the thoughts that I still had things to say to people in my life. I have things to say to many people, but I simply don't take the time to say them. I put it off, and it's added to the giant list of things I need to tell the people I love... someday. It saddened me that I could lose a friend without getting to say to them what I appreciate or love about them or share a favorite memory with them. Why do we not tell the people in our lives how much they are part of our hearts and minds? Why is it that it feels risky to tell some one what we cherish about them, or why does it feel like work? These things I don't understand. What I do understand is that if I don't say a few things to some people in my life I will regret it later. Will knowing this change my behavior??
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