Thursday, December 06, 2007
It's Been a While
It's Been a While
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I am pretty sure that the man in front of me at Jewel stole it. At Jewel they have a U-Scan that has a conveyor belt on it, the man in front of me was still bagging up a couple of items when I started to scan mine. I looked over to make sure he wasn't messin' with my goods. He looked a little suspicious, but I was sure he saw me eyeing him. I guess he really liked ranch.
I was very sad to have to make my burgers ranchless, but they were still pretty good. I ate them with mustard instead. I love mustard.
This evening I am watching some television and going to bed early. This week I am going to the dentist again for the 6th time in 2 months. I think this time I will be just getting a cleaning!
Other than that, my week will just be business as usual.
Hope everyone is good!!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
I love you and if you are not with me I miss you. Tonight I shed tears for you, and I can't wait until I see you again.
I hope you are well, and happy, and dancing about like fancy little fairies!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The scripture is HOSEA 2 :20. This is the first time I have had a dream were when I woke up I knew I needed to look something up. The interesting thing is that underneath that scripture reference it said, The Lord's Word is Truth. In my dream I was supposed to speak on that topic with the scripture being my support. When I woke up to read it I found that it did indeed relate to me in a way I hadn't even realized I needed relating.
For those of you who don't know, Hosea was a prophet who was told by God to marry a promiscuous woman named Gomer. The book of Hosea is thought to be an allegory too about God's feelings about Israel at the time. The land had gone through a lot of kings all in a short period of time and most of the transitions involved a lot of bloodshed.
In Chapter 2 (I'd recommend reading it for yourself too in case I screw something up), God is talking about how horrible this woman Gomer is and how Hosea should basically throw her out. In the end though it is the change in Gomer (who symbolized Israel) that God wanted not her riddance. So, this brings me to 2:20 which follows a lot of descriptions of the place God will take in Gomer's life over the bad life she had before. "I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD. " Based on where I am and the dream, there are parts of this chapter including this verse that I think are related to both me personally and the family I work for. Everything before verse 20 I tend to think more of something related to me and verse 20-23 I think of my family.
If you find the time, give it a little read and pray for me. Pray for my clarity in gleaning what God would have me glean out of this passage, verse, and/or Book. Without dwelling on this scripture for two long I feel like God is telling me two basic things: He will fill me, and fulfill what I am longing for, AND Something about the fate of my family and how important it is that I am here. I also talked to Sarah about it who God had used this scripture to speak and heal her some a few years ago. She encouraged me to read the book, Redeeming Love, and so I think I will do that too.
Sipping Tea and Thinking
Tonight I am going to a party at John and Kelly's. They are the hosts of the "Palatine table" I attend (basically a house group or cell group). The party is called BOO '07! I think I am going to make my face to say Boo with my mouth being the first O. My costume is... dah dah dah dah!!!! A Party in a Person!! This was inspired by dear Victoria, Sarah's youngest. She is two years old and is most definitely a party in a person. I am going to put streamers all over my body, wear a curly present ribbon in my hair, and put glitter all over!! It's going to be pretty sweet. Plus, there is an added bonus to my costume. I am also a Fairy!! I will be wearing wings. There's just nothing like being multifaceted on Halloween! At the party tonight we are playing DDR, which should be extra entertaining in our costumes!!
Things here have been going pretty smoothly. I am looking into a few options for living (place that is) right now, and one sounds particularly awesome. It's an opportunity for investment and building good credit. I am still very much in the beginning stages of research, but I will keep you all updated. I am pretty excited about it so far.
The kids are good. Samuel just turned 7 last Friday! It's crazy! A whole year has passed since I met him. When I met him he was just about to turn 6, so actually I've known him for three ages of his life! :) Leah has a little cold right now, but it doing well. She is very into testing to see how far she can push me, which isn't very much fun, but is definitely teaching me a lot.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
While looking back I came across some comments from anonymous comments and laughed with confusion not knowing who they would be!!
Anyway if these are you, fess up! I wanna know who you are! It's been 3 years already! I can't take the mystery!! :) Here are the comments that I found particularly enjoyable:
Hey Lizzie!! So sorry to hear about your accident but much releived to hear you are okay. Its a good thing no one found you after the accident, took you home and pretended you were their dead spouse who deserted the military so you had to remain in hiding until a nice mofia man gave you a job to fly to Mexico where you saw your fiance from your former life, and made them cry but still didn't remember them. Tell everyone I say "Hi!" and I miss them and Chicago sucks so I'm coming back to Michigan in 2 months. Bye Liz!
Sorry to hear about your big blue cow. My personal opinion is that a big blue llama would definately become your friend and would treat your clean clothes respectfully...Anonymous at least to myself
Hope everyone is having a good day! I miss you guys!!
Monday, October 22, 2007
I Could Pretend
I looked out my window and your face came to mind, and I considered the fact that I would like to be lying next to you; all cuddly and warm.
I could pretend that you were here, sitting by my side, loving on me, and making me laugh. You, saying everything without saying anything at all.
I could pretend that we were listening to music, staying up way too late; me wishing it would never end.
As I looked up at the purple hue that the light pollution provides, I am somehow comforted to know that we sleep under the same sky eventhough it seems that we are worlds apart; you doing your thing and me doing mine.
I never forgot, nor will I ever forget the times we had together. It all seems so mushed together, like it was so long ago and only yesterday all at once.
I could pretend that we are together. It's early morning and one of us is usually totally out of it, sleepy-eyed yet sweet. We would eat breakfast together and everything would be perfect. I would take in every moment just as precious as a breath of clean country air.
I could pretend that we are on the couch together, lying spoon-style, wrapped up in eachother. I would feel your heat and heart beat and you would inhale my smell and nuzzle your nose into my neck and kiss my head. How beautiful that would be.
When I look out into the sky tonite, against the black trees I see you and wish you were here or I were there.
I could pretend you are with me, but nothing is as good as the real thing.
Missing you today, as always. I love you friend.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Main Type | Overall Self |
Enneagram Test Results
Your variant is social |
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Things I like to do
This post was inspired by a song called I like hubcaps by Brak-- you can see his inspiring song here--
Here are some things that I like to do...
- going for walks in the woods and going off the path to follow an interesting trail
- riding my bike, especially with friends
- riding trains
- moose traks ice cream, and double choc. brownies
- my grandparents
- playing softball
- going to new restaurants
- looking at pictures
- playing guitar
- singing
- dancing, and ddring
- playing video games
- swimming!
- talking on the phone and leaving long messages on voicemail
- playing on the computer
- puddle splashing
- cuddling and kissing and hugging
- tickle scratches and massages
- going to the movies
- learning new things-- especially about people
- listening to music
- buying presents
- doing dishes
- cooking when I have a reason
- being silly
Stuff that I like...
- animals-- cats, dogs, dolphins, whales, hedgehogs, pigs, llamas, bunnies, fish, etc.
- shoes
- socks
- perfume
- candles
- pictures and artwork
- gadgets
- utensils
- pillows and blankeys
- Chia Tea Latte
more specific favorites:
- I love going for walks with a friend and talking and discovering. I like going on walks alone and pretending I am a naturalist; listening for sights and sounds, identifying plants and animals... I like the woods.
- I love sitting on the couch with a friend and cuddling up close to watch a movie, or just to sit and enjoy eachother.
- My favorite food is dill pickles, although I am now beginning to enjoy garlic stuffed olives. And I also enjoy yellow peppers from subway.
- I love buying a new pair of shoes and putting them on with just the right outfit.
- I enjoy so much to have my back scratched (on my skin)... ooo goose bumps!
- I like trying to cook new things and then having them turn out.
- My favorite thing to do with down time is watch a tv episode or two, followed by a nap and/or guitar.
- I LOVE sitting with people who are jamming on guitar or piano and just listening, letting the music envelope me like a blanket of peace.
- I like reading intense books; most likely true stories or memoirs, as well as youth novels and childrens story books.
- I love turning up my music and dancing around my living room, pretending I know how to do ballet or pretending I can shake my booty like a pro. What a show people would get if they peeked in my window.
- I enjoy going down to the beach at work and letting the wind hit my face, sinking my feet into the sand, and breathing in the almost clean air, imagining I am someplace else.
I wish I could say I like pinapple upside-down cake, but I don't... I am still wondering though, why it is upside-down!!
That's all for now folks, there will be more of my freakishness to come soon!
I likeTuesday, September 25, 2007
Mamma Had a Baby!!
I HAD A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, HE is brown on the back and a light brown on the front with a handsome mother of pearl inlay around his... hole... uh... mouth?? Anyway, he has a long neck, 6strings and a electric hook-up. DA DA DA DAH!!! Presenting my new baby, Mitchell!!!

Isn't it lovely?? It feels so good in my hands too! It has a spruce solid wood top for those of you who are guitar buffs and has a lifetime warranty!! I am sooo happy to have this little treasure. I bought it last night from a Guitar Center my fingers are numb from playing so much... they still aren't used to it yet! i just can't seem to stop playing though... bring on the pain i say!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
If I Had a Dime
So, my life.... hmmm...
Softball is done and we ended the season with a big ZERO in our "wins" column. It wasn't even that we were that bad... some bad move or a couple bad innings in a game would screw us over. I am hoping for a better season next year! I know I will be practicing!!
I got Labor Day off so I went to MI for a "Martin Weekend"!!! it was really fun. Maria and I had sleep overs in her room every night. I got fed delicious home-cooked food and enjoyed time with Sandy too. I also visited with my grandma for a couple of hours. While I was there I went to my most favorite place to get breadsticks-- MC PHEES!! Oh my, I bought 2 dozen and froze them to take back with me. I've been enjoying them!
Since then life have been pretty much the same... I do have one new thing though! I am learning guitar!!! I started teaching myself one day after thinking about learning for a couple of years. It's fun, although my fingers are in pain!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Finger Lickin' Good!
Maybe this is weird, but I like to eat frosting out of the can... with a spoon... it's so GOOD!!! My favorite kind is rainbow chip, but I don't think they make that kind anymore so I am reduced to plain ol' vanilla. This is still satisfying, but there is just nothing like that rainbow chip!!
Today I am lounging half wishing I had something to do and some one to do it with, yet I am satisfied with playing around on the computer and relaxing for the day. It was a long week.
I tried the new mountain dew today, it is very tastey! It has an "invigorating blast of citrus cherry flavor". It is quite delightful. I think I need to stop consuming all this sugar before my teeth rot out and my heart fails. I guess the weekends can be for indulging though right??
Hmm... wow... my life sure is rockin'...
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
ANYWAY, that's not what I am here to write about. I am writing because the secretary lady there made me feel like a vile piece of crap. The Endodontist was very kind and said the ladies at the front would work with me on paying for the procedure (mind you after this I also have to go to the dentist to get a crown put on it). The lady at the front was cranky with me. She looked at me like I was the scum of the earth. She asked me if I could pay half of the charge up front. I said yes even though I knew even the $530 would be too much. I felt ashamed that I couldn't pay. So then, she asked if I wanted to pay the rest in a couple of months. I told her that if I had to pay half up front that it would take me a while to pay the rest. She asked how much I could do. I said, "About $50ish a month". She just stared at the paper with a look of shock and dismay. She pulled out her calculator and made a scoffing noise saying, "Well, that's going to take you a long time to pay off". The whole thing was just horrible. Her body language and tone, the way she looked at me... it all just made me feel like I wasn't good enough to be standing there with her.
My feelings are that if you are going to ask some one what they can pay, then don't be surprised at the answer-- or if you are at least hide it so that the person doesn't feel crappy. I tried to talk to my boss about how I was feeling about the money, but he doesn't get it either. He told me to call my parents... HA! He has no idea. I tried to tell him that they don't have any money. He said some crap about how that's what they make you think, but really they have money set aside for this kind of thing. He really has no idea. That just made me more frustrated.
The feelings I feel right now have no description-- my tears speak for me today as my words cannot.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
All I want to say
She lost her husband after 60 years
and as he slipped away,
she still had things to say
I was overwhelmed with the thoughts that I still had things to say to people in my life. I have things to say to many people, but I simply don't take the time to say them. I put it off, and it's added to the giant list of things I need to tell the people I love... someday. It saddened me that I could lose a friend without getting to say to them what I appreciate or love about them or share a favorite memory with them. Why do we not tell the people in our lives how much they are part of our hearts and minds? Why is it that it feels risky to tell some one what we cherish about them, or why does it feel like work? These things I don't understand. What I do understand is that if I don't say a few things to some people in my life I will regret it later. Will knowing this change my behavior??
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Dream Land
Dream #1 I was driving in a city on an empty expressway. I remmeber at some point that the city was Flint, MI. All of a sudden the car in front of me stopped and so I stopped behind them. Why I didn't go around, I'm not sure. A man got out of the car with a boy. There was another person, who I assumed a man in the drivers seat.
The man outside my car was positioned so I could see him out of my passenger door and the boy, who was wearing a navy blue t-shirt was by my right headlight and I was looking at him through my windshield. I thought in the tension of us all staring at one-another, "Gee, this seems like it could be a bad situation, I could be in danger", then I quickly thought, "Why do you always have to be scared of things like this, just chill out, it will be ok."
At that moment the man pointed to me. The boy taking his que, looked at the man and pointed at me as well. I was thinking, "oh crap, this is not good." The boy pulled out a gun and walked around to the side of my car. I had no escape, but I jumped head first over to the passenger side, to try and avoid a fatal hit. The bullet went in my left thigh and into my stomache. I remember the pressure and heat I felt from the bullet going in. Then I felt blood seeping out. I remember thinking, "Maybe if I pretend I am dead they will go away." I was really still, but I remember the blood coming out and feeling light headed/pressure in my head cause I was practically up-side-down. Then I woke up.
It took me quite a while to recover. I sat up for a while quite frightened and disturbed. I kept seeing the boys face/ sillohuette in my mind, kept seeing him pointing at me and remembered the fear I felt when I was dreaming. I tried to get back to sleep, as it was 3:30 and I wanted to get a in few more hours before the light came into my room. I said outloud, "Jesus, please help me."
I fell back to sleep quite quickly as I do not recall staying up too long. Sometime after that another dream began. This one has a lot of details that I won't write here because they don't matter to the big picture.
Basically, there was a helicopter. I was in it flying over the ocean and a stell structure hanging out into the ocean that had the house that I apparently was living in. I think we were on some resuce mission because for some reason i feel like we were tryin to save people/I was being saved. ANYWAY, the helicopter lost control and I had to jump from it onto the structure. During the jump we lost a lady. She went into the water. We were trying to find her but couldn't. We were looking down into the water. Suddenly a killer whale jumped out of the water and onto the platform where i was standing. It was facinating. He/she wanted to play/interract. It was just like at the shamoo show. I pet it head and it swam/flopped back into the ocean. More and more whales came around and kept taking turns coming up to the platform. It was amazing. I remember feeling at peace and comforted. I felt connected to the whales. I remember looking at the teeth, but not being afraid. I woke up after a while.
I don't know what any of this means, if anything at all. I feel like it's symbolic though... possibly both dreams together. I do know that when I woke up I wanted to work with killer whales. I think secretly I always have, but I have secretly wanted to do a lot of things.
Anyway, that's all on that.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I forgot to finish this post
So, I might have a lot to say...
Highlights of my life in the past week and a half are as follows:
- I had a week off of work!
- On my week off I went to MI and went to Sarah's wedding shower, drove a whole lot, spent time with my cousin Lisa, saw my Gma K., saw amazing fireworks, spent time with Megan and Jeff, went to an America's Next Top Model party, ate at Pita Pit and BW3s, and did more driving.
- When I came back to Palatine I was exhausted so I spent a day sitting on my bum playing Nintendo DS and watching episodes of House on itunes.
- I played a Double Header with the Willow team, and did pretty well in the game I pitched, although we lost both games.
This post started a while ago... I am now finishing it. Since my post I traveled once again to Michigan for Sarah's other wedding shower. It was a pretty good time, although I was having a break down for about 24 hours straight. My lips got chapped because I cried all my moisture out! Life right now seems uncertain, and it's uncertain why it feels that way to me. I have a lot of things racing through my mind, none of which seem to have a solution. The heaviness of my heart right now is weighing me down. I don't feel I have any one to turn to either; I don't know many people here that well. I miss a lot of things, places, and people right now. I'm trying to sort things out, but that takes time, and for me it takes talking.
My day today so far has been a good one. I have really enjoyed my time with Leah today. We went to Jamba Juice and the park after she got home from camp. She had me laughing!! She's fun. The rest of today should go by quickly, and I can return once again to my home for some cleaning/organizing/sorting/eating a brownie.

Leah, some time this spring
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Thank You Blogthings
What I learned:
1. I am the middle finger and I should make friends with the index but stay away from the pinky.
2. I will have 2 true loves and my heart be broken 2 times... wondering what that means?? Does that mean both my true loves will end in disaster and I will be left sad and alone??
3. My lucky underwear color is blue.
4. I should weigh 145 pounds
5. I should not have passed 8th grade math; that's true!!
6. My elf name is Minty Fruit Cake
7. My pizza personality is Vegetarian (HA!)
8. I am an only child
9. I am white choclate, which is dissapointing because I was hoping to be dark
10. I am a grilled cheese sandwich, my best friend is the PB & J; my mortal enemy-- the HAM SANDWICH!! Dun dun dun!!
11. My Aura is blue, apparently the same as Angelina Jolie, Dahli Lama, and Oprah
12. Last but not least my "Love Song" is Wonderwall by Oasis... this is funny because I was just thinking back to a time I sang that song with a boy, and i was thinking about how much I liked that boy... funny...
That's all i can take! I can't do it anymore I am going crazy. Whoever invented all those crazy quizzes is cruel!! I just wanted to share with all of you all the great things I learned about myself... heh...
Oh, PS. I am only 44% American as well.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Last Night in Paradise
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Streptococcal Pharyngitis
I didn't have a sneezy nose or a cough or a bad fever, oh no... nothing do-able like that. Instead I had a red, swollen, pussfilled, raw throat. I couldn't swallow anything. I couldn't even turn my head to the right or left comfortably becuase my lymphnodes and gland were so swollen. I finally went to the doctor yesterday, knowing everything was just not right.
The doc. looked at my throat, jumped back and said, "oh my! That is one sore throat. Oh my.... wow. That is a sore throat." She walked into the hall and yelled to one of the nurses that I needed a throat culture. a few minutes later she came back and informed my my throat looked so bad she was just going to write me a script for it. She also prescribed some sterroids to bring down the swelling.
Today I am feeling much better; still worn down, and my throat hurts a little, but anything is better than the pain I was in. I will return to work tomorrow. I am taking advantage of this contagious day off by going to the bank, stopping by the mall, and taking a nap or two.
I hope that none of you ever have to edure the evil that is Streptococcal Pharyngitis!!!
Othat than my sickness my life is quite good. One week till Joy and Thor's wedded celebration, and two weeks until I fly off to California with the Perlmans! Should be an eventful month!! WOOT WOOT!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My Nanny Life
8-8:40-- Feed Lizard (15 min.)
Brush Teeth and get both kids dressed (20-30mins)
Put Laundry in the washer
8:40-- Leave for Leah's school
9:10-- Home again, practice piano with Samuel (20 mins)
10:00-- free time/playdates
laundry in dryer
11:15-- lunch
12:10-- leave to walk to school
12:30-- drop-off to school
1:00-- pick up Leah from afterschool playdate
1:20ish-- put Leah down for nap
1:40/2:00 until 3:00-- fold laundry
maybe read or snooze
most often cleaning/writing notes for the days activities (I keep a detailed journal of the days)
3:00-- Get Leah up from nap
3:10-- leave to pick up Samuel
3:30-- home from pick-up
Feed Lizard (5-10 mins)
3:50-- Samuel pick-up or we walk to Envirocise (outdoor physical activity/science class)
Leah has free time or playdate
Put Laundry away
5:00-- pick-up Samuel from Envirocise-- walk home
5:30--Home again-- I cook while kids play/ "help"
5:50ish-- dinner
6:20-- clean-up dinner/dessert time
6:30/7:00ish-- I go home
8-8:40-- Feed Lizard (15 min)
Teeth and clothes
9:00-- Practice Paino (20 mins)
9:30-- play time
10:00ish-- Grandma comes over to play with Samuel while Leah and I go to Gymnastics
10:45 to 11:30-- Gymnastics
12:00-- playdate/lunch
1:20ish-- nap time
2-3:00-- more cleaning, writing, relaxing
3:00-- Leah up from nap
3:10-- To school to pick up Samuel
3:30-- home from school
3:30-4:45-- play time!!
Feed Lizard (5-10 mins)
4:45-- leave for Ocupational Therapy
5-6:00-- OT
6:15-- home for dinner
6:30-- dinner
6:45/7:00-- I go home
8-8:40-- Feed Lizard (15 min)
Teeth and clothes
Pack Leah's lunch
Practice Piano (20 mins)
8:40-- Leave for Leah's school
9:00-- Drive to Jewish Communtiy Center (JCC) for swimming
9:15-10:30-- 30 min one-on-one swim lesson and then free swim
10:30-11:00--shower, cuddle-time and get dressed
11:15-- out to lunch
12:10-- walk to school
12:30-- drop-off at school
1:00-- pick up Leah, Ava and Jack from school
1:30-- arrive home
1:40/2:00-- Put Leah down for nap
2-3:00-- you know the drill
3:00--Get Leah up
3:10-- walk to pick up Samuel
3:30-- arrive home for free-time/playdates
4:00-- practice piano if we didn't get to it in the morning
bath for Leah
Feed Lizard (5-10 mins)
5:30-- dinner
6:30ish-- I go home
8-9:00--Feed Lizard (15 min)
Teeth and clothes
Practice Piano (20 mins)
9:00-- Samuel picked up for "extraordinary kids" another science class
Leah Play time
10:20-- Leah picked up by gramps for Gymboree (10:45-11:30)
My time to clean and run errands
11:20-- Meet kids from extraordinary kids for lunch, Leah gets dropped off there by gramps
12:20-- drive to school
12:30-- drop-off
12:40 to 1:45-- playdate with Stephan or play at home
2:00-- Nap
2-3:00-- writing, cleaning, reading
3:30-- Samuel gets home (usually someone picks him up for me so Leah can have a full nap)
Leah wakes up
4:00-- free time/playdates/
maybe piano
Feed Lizard (5-10 mins)
5:30-- dinner
6:30ish-- I go home
8-8:40-- Feed Lizard (15 mins)
Clothes and teeth brushed
Laundry in washer
8:40-- Leah goes to school with her mom
9:00-- practice piano and then free time
10:10-- Leave for Piano Lesson
10:30-11:00-- Piano
11:15-- lunch at Einstiens usually
12:15-- drive to school
12:30-- drop-off
12:30 to whenever Leah comes home-- run errands, put laundry in dryer, clean
2:00ish-- Put Leah down for nap
3:00-- walk to get Samuel
3:30-- back home for playdate with Matthew and Jake
Leah wakes up
3:30 to usually through dinner-- playdate with M and J
Feed Lizard (5-10 mins)
Fold Laundry and put it away
5:45ish-- go pick up Samuel or boys get picked up from here
6:30ish-- I go home
PHEW!!! That was scary! I am so worn out when I think off all the things I do, I the places I take the kids... it's amazing all the things you can pack into one day. Now, mind you... the kids are supposed to have a bath every couple of days (my responsibiliy), they have random play dates/appointments squeezed in the few "free-time" spots, and all the other things that go into having kids and managing a household. Basically it's intense. I love it, but some times when I sit and think about it I go a little crazy. I guess I should stop thinking!! :)
Thanks for enduring a week of my life... hope you enjoyed the ride. altough I must say: it's much better with the kids!!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Day Dreaming
Today I am longing. I decided to journal about it instead of letting the thoughts swim around in my head. This way I can make better judgement if the things I am thinking are complete crap or worth day dreaming about!
I am longing for an empty space in regards to a home. It's almost like I want to get rid of all the things I have so I can start all over. But I also want a house so that when I put everything back together, it feels more permanent and worth my time. I want art work to hang, colors on my walls, themes in rooms, organization in the kitchen, a yard, a real home. I want a home that's mine for a long time instead of just a few months, a home that I can invite people to, and feed and entertain. I want a stove with more than one working burner. I love my apartment, but I long for something more established.
Something else I am longing for is a life-long companion of the male persuasion. I want to share my bed with more than my pillows and books. I want to share it with a man who loves me and I love back. I want to make romantic memories and have grand adventures that may only be grand to he and I. I long for a man that knows me so well that I don't need to say anything and he knows what I am thinking... or at least knows I am thinking SOMETHING! :) I hunger for love in the way I was designed to love- the way that I dream about loving but never get the chance.
Basically what it all comes down to is that I long to settle down and start the rest of my life. This in-between thing is really hard. I want everything in God's timing though, and God's way. I trust that God is preparing me husband for me and me for him. I know that the waiting is a worth-while challenge in the process or preparation. I know that my Jesus has good plans for me-plans to prosper and not to harm me; plans for hope and a future.
Today is a dreaming day-dreaming about what is to come- what could be and perhaps a little of what will be. I'm ok with my longing and dreaming. If I weren't longing for something, I'd have no hope or ambition and life without those things would be worthless.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Now, I've always thought being foolish was something more of a character flaw then a personality/changable trait. I think I may have fallen so far as to recieve the high-flying FOOL banner soaring over my photo. There is not one feeling within me that has any bit of justification to set aside my flaw and move on.
Basically I've made the same mistake over and over and over. God has tried to protect me from this, has shown me life without it, and yet I come back to the crap that only fills me for a second and leaves me empty and seeking. Why the hell do I do this? Why do I do this to myself, others, God's name??
How can this be possible? How can I be so much after God's heart and His Will and then forget it and lose myself in a moment of sin? This sucks! I was just told this morning at church about temptation and sin, just challenged to walk away from that temptation and fight back, yet only a few hours later all of that leaves my mind.
And you know what it all comes down to? You know what it all represents? All of my sin, my running to things of the flesh, is just a sign that I don't truly have a grasp on God, that I don't really know what He has for me, what and who he has called me to and to be.
It all says that I am feeling lonely, ugly, fat, unlovable, dumb, lame, unwanted, just pathetic; like trash. When I believe those things is when I run to things of this world instead of thinking for the Kingdom of God. When will I see, when will I REALLY get it?? How many times do I have to fall flat on my naked ass with no way out, left ashamed, cold, used... and I am a user too. GOSH! How disgusting! When will I see that sin leaves me more empty than when I began?
There is part of a song that is perfect for right now, I happen to be listening to it. Here is the chorus:
Right now I don't hear so well and I waswondering if you could speak up. I knowthat you tore the veil so I could sitwith you in person and hear what you'resaying, but right now, I just can't hear you
Right now I don't hear so well and I waswondering if you could speak up. I knowthat you tore the veil so I could sitwith you in person and hear what you'resaying, but right now, I just can't hear you
I don't doubt your sovereignty, I doubtmy own ability to hear what you're sayingand to do the right thing, and Idesperately want to do the right thing
Yup it's true, I'm not hearing so well today folks. At least I'm not hearing the right thing. The rest of the song goes on to say that, "I will wait to hear from you"... I didn't do that today. Perhaps, if I'm not truely a foolish child I will wait; will wait wisely and expectantly for guidance, love, and fulfillment.
Jesus, I'm sorry.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
In other news I have a strange itchy spot on my right wrist. This happens often... me getting strange itchy spots on my arms or chest. I really don't understand it! And really, the wrist is one of the worst places to have an itch because it's so sensitive so one can't truly scratch it as hard as they like.
I am having a pretty good weekend other than the itching. Last night I hung out with Jesse and we chatted, watched "Snakes on a Plane", and played a couple rounds of "Rayman and the Raging Rabbids" (A very twisted yet addicting game for playstation2). We hadn't seen each other in over a week, so it was good to spend some time together.
Today I slept in, rented more movies, ate some pizza rolls, put more CDs on my computer to transfer to my iPod, took a bath, and now I am going to read a little before bed. It was a nice relaxing day, but seemed to go on forever. I'm done with my alone time for the week! Today was the first time in a while I remembered what the months of October and November felt like, long and lonely and sedentary. Today made me appreciate even more the fact that I have a good job that keeps me active and with people!
Ok, I have a plug for Avon. I just went to scratch my wrist again and realized my hands felt very soft. It's because I put lotion on them after my bath. Now usually I am not a moisturizing kind of gal, but about once a week I feel like lubing up and getting all soft. I got this "moisture therapy intensive hand cream for extremely dry skin" for Christmas and decided I might as well use it. Every time I've used it I have been so satisfied. Usually when I use lotion, it leaves me feeling sticky or oily, but this made my hands truly feel supple and smooth. I sound like a commercial right now, but it's only because I mean it! Thanks Avon!
I am trying to think if I have anything else worth typing right now, but I don't think that I do. With that in mind, I will save you all from worthless mumbo-jumbo that I could very well come up with just to make the time pass.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Update Schmupdate
Things here are going pretty well. I just had my 23rd birthday and also hit the one month mark on the 4th since I started my job here as a nanny. Thursday was my first official day as the official nanny without Brianna with me, who was the current nanny. I will miss her a lot because we created a friendship, but it will make things a little easier around here now that I am the one and only. Everything was so complicated with two of us, there was so much more organizing, and dicipline was a challenge. I liked being with Brianna though because we had fun and together we laughed at the weird things the people of this world do.
All of that being said, I love my job. Everyday eventhough I am crazy tired I am excited to get to work and see my kids. They are like mine. I get to drive them around in a minivan and feed and clothe them. I get to play games with them and teach them manners, social norms, music, physical activities, and responsibility. Today I took Samuel to Piano and then back home so he could have lunch with his grandmother. I took Leah to school, then bowling, then a "mom and me" cooking class. Then I got to put her down for her nap and soon I will get her and feed her dinner. It's awesome. The only thing I don't get to do is put them to bed and wake up with them in the morning. I even give them their baths during the week. It's an amazing feeling to wake up every morning filled with joy and ready to take on the day.
What a turn-around from where I just was a couple months ago when I didn't have a job. I dreaded every day then. Now I can't remember much what it felt like, only that it felt crappy over and over again week after week. It was worth the wait though, and the lonliness, and the struggle. It was totally worth it!
I am starting to make friends at church now too. Tonight I am going over to a friends house and hanging out. She said there would be like 20 people there, which excites me greatly! I am ready to meet people and to start really getting to know them.
Ok, duty calls... time to make the Mac N' Cheese!! It's organic and fancy, yet easy!! And I need to do some cuddling!