I had a very special visitor this weekend! it was my brother! He came on Friday, went to Open House, helped with Servant Day, went to church this morning, and basically just hung out and chilled out all weekend with me! It was so great to have him here. I am taking him half-way home where my dad will pick him up at the "Flying J". I wish he could just stay here a little longer. I like him.
In other news, I am in a very thoughtful mood today. I find myself evaluating my life so often, and mostly evaluating my interactions with friends. People are so interesting, and it intruiges me to observe patterns in behavior and reactions between friends and couples. I find it interesting that people know the cover-ups that others use and are hurt or annoyed by them, but still use ones that are similar or the same themselves, as if it were normal... hmmm... I just don't know. People are weird-- myself included.
Here's a question: What's one of the best things a friend has done for you?
I value most the time that people have spent with me, just to spend it with me... It was becuase they enjoyed me and wanted to spend time with me! I love having that person that I can spend days on end with and it feels right, and then when both of are ready for some space it's right in tune with the other. It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's so fulfilling!
Here are some pics from the weekend!!
Here's the Whole Groups being funny after lunch on Saturday
I told Krista to hop into my arms...
Michelle and Lauren at the last Open House!
I'm giving Amber a Ride
This is Ryanne, she... I mean he is very special!
Ryanne! I love it!!! How funny.
You must have had a GREAT photographer for those photos!!!! Lucky!
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