Thursday, March 09, 2006


I had a really good post and then it erased because of pop-up blocker and me trying to fix it! UGH!!!

What a crappy crap crap!

ok, so here's the short of it:

I'm home, and there is drama... what's new... I'm in the middle... yuck

Maria is awesome, learning so much, so adorable

Matilda is big a fluffy now

Spent time with the following people: Grandma, Sandy, John, Maria, Dad, Dee, Joe, GUMC choir, GRandma Noll, other Noll affiliates :) and talked to mom on phone

Plans for tomorrow:
Going to oxford to check out place for internship, light window-shopping and grocery shopping with Gram, Card Club for snacks and friends, then staying at sandy's
Looking forward to getting back to the place that feels like my real home, where I feel comfortable and part of something good, more than one good thing actually.

Wanting to talk to my fiendish fiend cause she always knows what to say to make my life seem less jumbled.

Still mad about the stupid entry getting deleted! PIECE OF JUNK!
NEW STUFF NOT INCLUDED ON OLD DELTED ENRTY... couldn't help myself, when I get started I just can't stop!
I realized a new appreciation I have for survivor tonight. Tears came to my eyes (mind you I just typed ears instead of, when they Saluted Dan after getting voted off. That's not my appreciation though. My appreciation is that one can really examine how the game goes and compare it to normal society and how people function. No matter if it's a game or not no one can seem to just walk all over everyone involved, there are always friendships, aliances, and other relationships blooming even in the midst of lies and deception. People seem to need community, or a partner that much that it interferes with winning. I'm still thinking this through, but I think this says a lot about peoples' need for community, acceptance, support, and confidence in normal everyday cirsumstances. So, yay Survivor!
There is some shampoo-in hair color sitting on the shelf and I am very tempted to use it. It says "Just for Men" on the box and that's what intriuges me. Could it really be that different for men? I have short hair, does that count?? It's so very tempting... It says "So natural no one can tell" on the box too. Now let me ask you, why on earth would you want to color your hair if no one is going to notice?? That's silly. It should say, "so natural it doesn't look fake" if that's what they mean. Knowing this country though that phrase is probably already tradmarked! Did you know that Happy Birthday is Copywrited?? Yeah, and it's not even by the person who wrote it! How dumb eh? That's why at restaurants they have to sing those annoying songs, their not aloud to just sing happy birthday! dumb dumb dumb I tell you.
Ok, I have added enough to make it seem worth trying to publish again. If this screws up I swear I'm just going to write two words, "CRAP CRAP" on the next one!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the Survivor shout-out. Ahhh... I love it!

I'm fiendish.

Lizzie said...
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