So, lately I have been wanting peanut butter toast about 5 times a day. Maybe it's working at the daycare and rediscovering my love for peanut butter and jelly. Maybe I just need some nuts in my life! Who knows... all I know is I like it, I like it a lot.
So, my job search continues, but I have made some headway. So far I am employed in five different places, three of them being in the Residential Restaurants on campus. I wish I could get a higher paying job somewhere, but this is going to have to work for now. I still haven't heard from the church about the position I applied for because they haven't done anything about it yet. It is somewhat frustraing, but perhaps God is trying to teach me something!
So, back to my jobs. They are as follows; Day Care worker Mon. and Wed., Day Care Aide Mon., Tues. and every other Sun. night, Baker Assistant (Krista, I had to hold myself from laughing when I signed up for this one) every other Friday morning, Dining room worker every other Friday lunchtime, Custodial work Every other Friday evening, Exposition person Tuesday and Thursday lunch time, not to mention two shifts I've already picked up for greeter and variable in Carey Dining commons. For those of you familiar with CMU I am working in Robinson, Towers and Merrill Dining Commons!! WOOT! Basically I am all over the place. My task now is to not mess up when I work where!!
So now that I will have 44-54ish hours of obligatedwork time per week, plus whatever shifts I pick up on top of that, and the four hours of class every week, I'll have to make sure to have some fun with the free time I have !!! Man-oh-man! The craziness of it all!
Other than working and trying to find jobs, I have been working on finances, organizing my life, cleaning, going to church and InterVarsity, hanging out with friends, and playing on the internet. It's acctually been a nice start to the semester. My palm pilot and I have become good friends and will continue to be over the next 15 weeks!
Next on my plate is to get my student loan, hopefully a scholarship or two, and find a second internship!! I want my internship to be somewhere totally sweet, so that's what I'll be looking for.
Photos from my birthday dinner will be coming soon. Here is a picture of my baby puppy "Storm"(I might change her name). I will get her once I live in a place where I can have a doggie. She is very small and cute and soft.

This is Storm showing you her good side!

These are 3/4 of the babies, Storm is on the left.

This is Storm Sleeping... zzz...

This is Princess, Storms Mom riding on the Mini-chopper!!

A close-up with her hott goggles!!

This is Spike, Storms Daddy. He is trying to look
handsome and thoughtful
So, that's my life minus my birthday pictures with some added doggy fun!
Oh yeah! This weekend I am doing a conference at church called Leadership Summit. Bill Hybels, who wrote Too Busy Not to Pray (a brilliant book) is speaking tonight. Tomorrow, John Maxwell, Ken Blanchard, my pastor, and Rick Warren, author of Purpose Driven Life are all speaking! I am looking forward to getting a spiritual boost as well as learn some sweet stuff from smart people! Hopefully I'll see some friends and make some new ones! YESSS!!!
Have a GREAT weekend!!!
Your dog is soooo cute, both the puppy and the mom. I want one! What kind of dog is that? Dude, you are working a ton of hours! I am glad. I am really glad that God is providing for you, even if it is random jobs all over the place! Good Luck!
Spike is a Chiuauah and Princess is a Miniature Pincher... that makes Storm a Pinuauah!! hee hee!
I am not really working that many hours, 18-24 of them is at Dorothy's at night. But, I do have a lot of obligated hours! God is providing though, I am able to pay my bills now and it feels very good! YAY Jesus!
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