Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Doing my thing
It's almost New Years and it's strange that another year has gone by. Don't know what I am doing to celebrate a year past and a new year to come, but for some reason it feels imiportant for me to recognize it more than I have before. I always liked New Years celebrations, butit was mostly for the fun, friends, and food. We used to have a sleepover at my friend Aimee's house. We'd stay up all night. Watch for the countdown until the ball dropped kiss everyone and then go back to the party we were having including games, food and St. Julian's!! The girls would stay with her and the guys would stay with James who lived behind her. In the morning Aimee's mom would make us pancakes and bacon. I have many fond memories of those years!
This year is weird. I will be in Mt. Pleasant and I don't have any definite plans. There are things I'd like to do, but don't know if they will work out. There are people I'd like to spend it with, but most won't be around. Tricia will be with me though, so we'll have to be sure to make it meaningful.
10 days after the New Year begins I will be 22. I am not sure how I feel about that. For some reason I have been wanting everything in my life to have meaning lately. I get bored with unmeaningful things and I feel more enthused to make things matter. Maybe this is what happens when one turns 22... they get more sentimental about lifes milestones. Or maybe it's just me.
I am off to take Julie (the elderly lady) to the hospital. I was already there this morning because Heather was dehydrated because of a stomache flu of sorts and she needed a ride. I've already got two hours of sitting in a waiting room today under my belt, why not make it three or four!!!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Cats Stink!
This is my cat:

Her name is Blossom... like Apple Blossom. We met about 10 years ago when she was born and I named her. She was the 1st of the litter and my new friend. We've been through many happy years minus some nibbles and scratches here and there. Today was a sad day for us.
We came home from my grandma's house after eating pizza, opening presents and sharing funny stories across the table. Grandma's house was very pretty and shiney, it was great!
Anyway, I was going about my business getting ready to travel back up to Mt. Pleasant for the night with my Bro and I saw Blossom sitting at the bottom of the stairs; Mind you she was recently paralyzed from a blood clot in her spine and so does not have use of her back legs from the knee down (If a cat had a knee). Anyway, it was the first time I saw her since the tragic blood clot and I was trying to be extra nice! She was rubbing up on me, nuzzling my face... awww!!
Then I picked her up to put her on my lap to pet and cuddle her. As soon as I put her on my lap she BIT me!!! HARD!!!! AHHH! I moved her away and my hand started oozing blood. As I walked up the stairs it kept oozing! WHAT THE!! She bit me really hard all the way down to a vein in my hand below my thumb. Her whole mouth went around that area to the other side of my hand, but the main puncture was on the palm of my hand. I went and showed my family and they helped me clean it and bandage it. It hurt a lot. I didn't cry but I wanted to, not because of the pain, but because my cat bit me. What a jerk. She really should be put down for biting someone so hard, but I think we all feel sad for her poor paralyzed legs! My dad just ordered her a wheelchair off E-bay. Anyway, now I am throbbing and bitter! lol
Here is a picture of my sad injury:

I'll post pictures of my presents and our evening at Grandma's later. Right now I am off to Mt. Pleasant!
My Monkey Gift
Monday, December 19, 2005
It is Finished
I will also be applying to Target, Mejier, maybe Kroger, Tj Max or some other places like that. And of course I will be working for Dorothy watching her kids while she works nights.
It is going to be strange not having internet for a few weeks. Since the school is all closed up, I won't have an opportunity to use it. That's ok, it will make me more productive.
This past weekend was full of socializing. Friday I came home and babysat Maria for a few hours while Sandy and John went to a party. Saturday we had Noll family Christmas (Sandy's Family). It was a good day. I had good food and great company. The little ones are growing up so fast, it was nice to see them again. I got some good gifts too!! Sunday we had an 80th birthday party for Grandpa Noll. It was a pretty good time, but I got kinda bored toward the middle. Didn't know all the people there, but then my dad came so I got to sit and talk with him for a while. I was at the church from 9:30-6:30!! Everything ran smoothly though, and Grandpa was very appreciative for the recognition.
Now it's Monday and I am feeling weird to not be at Masonic, but making the best of my day by finding a new job. I will be traveling back to Mt. Pleasant in about 20 minutes. Hopefully I will find something delicious to eat for lunch! OOOO! And I am going to take a nice hot shower and bath... Ahhhh, so good!
I'll be updating soon I am sure, with news from the farm. I have Christmas Eve with my Dad's side and Christmas Day with my Mom's side. I think it's going to be GREAT!!
PS. My little Matilda was staying with Auntie Megan this weekend. I hope she didn't cause too much trouble!!
Monday, December 12, 2005
Health Lesson # 1
What is scabies?
Scabies is an infestation of the skin with the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabei. Infestation is common, found worldwide, and affects people of all races and social classes. Scabies spreads rapidly under crowded conditions where there is frequent skin-to-skin contact between people, such as in hospitals, institutions, child-care facilities, and nursing homes.
What are the signs and symptoms of scabies infestation?
Pimple-like irritations, burrows or rash of the skin, especially the webbing between the fingers; the skin folds on the wrist, elbow, or knee; the penis, the breast, or shoulder blades.
Intense itching, especially at night and over most of the body.
Sores on the body caused by scratching. These sores can sometimes become infected with bacteria.
That's right folks, I have come in contact with scabies I don't know how many times in the last month. I don't think I have it yet, but it can take up to 6 weeks for symptoms to arrise. I have been itchy all day just thinking about it. Oh the life of one who works in health care...
Other than being itchy my last Monday at Masonic Pathways was rather nice. I was busy all day long, and I ran an enjoyabe program... my last one of the semester. We decorated Christmas cards for friends and family. The residents really seemed to enjoy it.
Tomorrow is my last Tuesday, so weird!
Sunday, December 11, 2005
The Last Hoorah
I have one more week of internship, a busy week at that. I have four resident assesments, one or two programs still to develop and implement, 2 chart audits, 5 program assesments, two staff parties, as well as regular programs and 1:1 with residents!!! It's going to be full, full of excitment, writing, evaluating, saying goodbye, and a bittersweet end on Friday. I am happy for my experiences there and the friendships I have made with both residents and staff. I cannot even imagine not seeing them everyday. To some of the dementia patients I have quite an attatchment;
Emma, who cries all the time, for reasons I once did not know, but now know it's because she is so severely confused. If you talk to her though, or have her fold towels she stops.
Gladys, who always tells me, "Oh honey, you look so pretty". She also asks if she can stay that night and inquires about a cost.
Gladys #2, who always calls me a son of a B**** unless I give her a cookie, then I am a saint.
Alice, who doesn't speak, but every once and a while I can make laugh.
Edna, who always laughs at everything I say.
Martha, who is very demanding in the most humourus way asking, "Lady, could get me a saw, I just want to saw these straps off"... later.... "Lady at the desk, lady at the desk I know you can hear me, get me some scissors, I'll take good care of them".
Naomi, who will tell you to shutup unless you approach her with a question instead of a statement.
Bud, who has Spine cancer and is often in pain. He is quite funny though when you talk to him and has come on to me a few times... hee hee
There are so many others that I adore and so many that have died since I've been there that will always have a place in my heart. I feel blessed to have met them and served them.
Tonight I am going to watch at least part of the Survivor Finale at Kristins, and then finish my project/paper for my internship. It should be a good night. Ohhh, and I am going to make a wish list on for my dad. I think I am going to ask for kitchen stuff!!! Wooo!!!
I hope to journal as the week goes on, hope all is well with everyone else!!