Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Take me away

I feel as if I a floating in a place I don't belong. I want to sleep all day long, crawl in a hole and only emerge when I have to. I feel so happy at times and into things here and then I feel so disconnected.

I feel sick. I can't eat without feeling sick. My head hurts. I just want someone to hold me.

I am thirsty for God's healing, but can't quite reach out to grab it. I am stuck.

Even now my eyes are drooping, and my head feels heavy though I just woke up two hours ago.

My life seems useless. My purpose is failing me. I don't know where to go or what to do. This is so weird.

I can't bring myself to study hard. Everytime I start I end up finding something else to do. It doesn't make sense. I like my classes.

I miss the baby and Sandy. My heart often longs to be with them. I miss seeing Megan... we are both in the same town yet so busy. The few times we have hung out have been recently and have been wonderful. I want more of those times.

I miss Joylynn.

I have to take a test in twenty minutes and I have no idea how I'll do on it. Good thing we get to drop our lowest grade.

So, this is why I haven't updated... didn't want a depressing scene.

For any of my lovely praying friends, if you could pray for my strength, motivation, self worth, and passion I would greatly apprieciate it. I am desperate for God's healing touch.


Anonymous said...

Please don't worry, "it" gets sooooooo much better. I'm sure all your friends wish you the best, I do, and all of our prayers are with you.
Hopefully God will put the strength in you to eat, food is good for you..mmMMMMmmm..
Maybe this "purpose" is changing...
Good luck!

Joylynn Rasmussen said...

You miss me! How nice it is to be missed. I do wish I could have been there during your "not feeling so well" time. I could have made you a cup of tea, and petted your hair and told you stories about crazy things that my brother did when he was younger. But I'm glad God's taken you from the bad spot and blessed you with a wonderful weekend at The Edge. I love you Lizzie.