Wednesday, June 16, 2004


Today when I came home from work I smelt something gross... It was me!! I thought to myself, "hm, did I really sweat that bad that even after using deodorant I still smell of my own body odor?". Upon investigating my pits I discovered that it was only my left one that smelled... How strange.
Perhaps I forgot to put any or enough on that armpit, or maybe it was that arm did extra work today. Either way I think that the word armpit sounds really funny now.

Today I babied for 5 and worked for seven... I am ready to sleep!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Liz. It's Russell. I've never read you blog before and I have to say: "That's kinda gross." :-P Armpit is a funny word though. What's even more funny is kneepit.
Hope all is well. See ya this evening.