Thursday, June 04, 2009

Next Steps

I am excited to reveal to you what’s next for me in my adventures. As time has gone on, I have realized even more fully my love and compassion for children, families, and those who are without a voice, are marginalized and in seemingly hopeless situations. These passions have now led me to action. The dream I am working and praying will come true, took shape after several conversations with one of my very best friends.

The conversations went from very practical ways of loving people, to very magical thoughts of becoming fairies, flying about blessing people and doing good in the world. *giggle* The one thing we really landed on solidly, that I am now planning for and walking toward, is opening a home for children in need and becoming a foster parent.

In the next three years, I will be doing everything I can to make this dream a reality. So far, the vision is simply this; have a home and a support system of family, friends and partners in crime, take in foster children, and hopefully bring hope into broken and hurting families. I hope to be a redeeming contributor in the foster care system, while being a part of the healing of children, families and single parents. The initiative will start small with one child at a time, but may possibly expand, taking in more children, doing specialized care for those who have HIV/AIDS, or terminal illnesses. I am also considering in the further future to take in young teens that are pregnant until their baby is born.

I could probably write many more pages about the inspirations and how I got to this point, but you now at least have a glimpse into my future goals. I would love to discuss further with you how I will be working towards this, inspirations, places I need prayer, and ways you can partner with me if you are interested.

In my immediate future I have secured a job for the summer that will provide me with a steady income. I am going to be a nanny again (more on that later-- I start June 8th). My #1 goal for this next year in preparation for Foster Care, is to eliminate all of my debts, and I am well on my way!

I am also in conversation with a local organization that assists single mothers, to become their primary childcare giver, offering a sort of nanny/daycare service in their homes as well as some life/parenting coaching. Just think Super Nanny with twist, and I think you’ll have the idea. J
Once again, if you would like to hear more, I would love to meet with you or talk with you via phone or e-mail, about where I’m headed. The most important, and urgent thing I am asking for at this time, is prayer. Please pray that I am listening with an open heart and obedience to what I hear God whispering (and sometimes yelling) to my soul. If you have any suggestions, experience, or thoughts related to my current pursuits, please feel free to share them with me!

Love You All!!!

Some girls who are currently in the foster care system that I am praying for. The little one was exposed to Meth in utero and the other two have some social and emotional difficulties. I am praying that they a good family will take in these little ones.


Hello friends and family! Here is a letter I sent out to my supporters. If you didn't get one, either I don't have your address or I made a mistake. Take a few minutes to read through it and check out what I've been up to!!

Me, at a place called Pohickory-- one of the few true wooded places around here

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

The time has come! On May 27th I will graduate from the 1 year internship program at Willow Creek Community Church. As most of you know, I have been working with the Axis ministry. Axis serves 18-30 year olds, in the Greater Chicago Area. It has been a privilege and a joy to be a part of this ministry. I have learned much about myself and church ministry. I will take with me, the lessons I learned well into the rest of my life. I have also discovered a new path and direction for my life in these months, which I will share with you later.
First, I would like to tell you about some of the great things I was able to experience in this season. Below I will highlight the most significant milestones and opportunities.

1. Team Management and Creative Planning- As assistant to the director of Axis, I had the opportunity to think on, and strategize, bringing my thoughts and ideas forward, related to managing a team with our youthfulness, inexperience, and ministry focus. I was invited into decision making processes and asked for feedback and support. I was also invited into creative and ministry planning meetings throughout the time of my internship. Being able to take part in these experiences, has given me a good look into what it takes to run and manage a team as well as what it takes to run a ministry of this size within a large church.

2. Small Group and mentoring- In these past months I have met once a month with a group of 5 other women, as well as met with three different mentors. I had the privilege of meeting with each of my mentors once every three weeks. I have been so blessed by these relationships. I have grown in my love for them, and for Jesus. I have explored further into my life story and been healed emotionally through the adventures I’ve been on with these women and men (one of my mentors is a man).

My small group (one of my mentors is sitting right in the middle)

3. St. Mary’s of the Lake Retreat Center- In November, our Axis staff team went on a spiritual retreat at a Catholic Seminary campus in Mundelein, IL. We spent most of the day in silence, and enjoyed times together in worship and prayer. We also shared meals together and in the evening went on a nice walk outside in the chill of that fall night. The rooms we stayed in were very simple, with just beds, a dresser, desk, lamp and on the walls there was one piece of scripture and one crucifix. Although it may sound slightly dull, it was a great place for me to escape to and spend time with God, outside the hustle and bustle of the suburbs.

4. Sharing part of my story at a worship night- Every month, all of our communities (called Missional Community Hubs- now numbering well above 20), gather together for a time of fellowship, teaching, celebration, and worship. Each month there are two nights of worship called the Axis Experience; one in the burbs and one in the city, each with up to 175 or more community members.
In the month of March, our Missional Community Hubs discussed the topic of sexuality with each week focusing on a variety of categories within that topic—basically moving towards the idea of how God intended our bodies to be shared intimately, and to embrace our sexual nature and move toward a Kingdom model in our lives, giving this area over to Christ.
I was able to share in front of my community, the struggles and triumphs of my journey in regards to sexuality. God has done much work in this area of my life as tragedy, and bad habits afflicted me at a very young age. I was able to be a part of something bigger than myself and openly convey my sin, as well as God’s blessing, provision, love and protection in my life. That night is one to remember and cherish forever. If you would like to hear my story, please let me know and I can get you a copy.

5. My niche in the world of Ministry- As time has gone on in these past few months, I have learned so much, and one of the most important lessons has been developing, and is now pretty concrete in my heart and mind. I have learned that my best fit is not within the walls of a large church (or maybe any church), but rather out with people, specifically children and families. The past five months in particular, I have been developing a dream with the help of a very dear friend, my small group, some advisors, and of course Jesus. Now it is time for me to walk towards this dream and I am elated! (I know you are waiting with baited breath to know… it will soon be revealed!)

To conclude this letter, I would like to thank all of you for all that you have done to support me through these last 9 months. Without all of you, I would not have been able to be a part of this program and learn so many valuable life lessons and have so many great experiences. Thank you for investing in my life with your prayer, thoughts, love, and financial support.
I would like to give a special shout-out to all of my support from GUMC. Thank you so much for holding me up in prayer, supporting me financially, and for the prayer quilt. I sleep with it and it helps me remember God’s love, faithfulness and provision. It has been great knowing you were all rooting me on from afar.
To everyone else, I thank you so much for sacrificing in these hard times with your time and money. I have been provided for so well in these past months, never having to worry because of your faithful and steady support. This experience has been one that is priceless and very treasured. Thank you and God Bless You!

Most Sincerely,

Liz Porter


All of the interns and our staff. In the middle is Tyler, our 3yr intern graduate