Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another Week

So... It's the beginning of another week. There really isn't too much to note.

I guess I can talk about last week... Last week I worked Friday and Saturday and Saturday evening with kids. Fri. was with the Perlman's and Sat. was with Sarah's family The Wiltse's. Sat. night I was back at the Perlman's for a few hours. I really enjoyed my days and evenings witht the kids. It was nice to have something to do that lasted longer than a couple of hours!! Plus I am really enjoying getting to know the Perlman kids. They are great!

That pretty much sums up last week... heh...

This week I have a few things to look forward to. Tonight: Church with the 18-20 somethings for my first time. I am hoping to get plugged in quickly and make new friends! Tomorrow: Church again WOOT! Thursday: Roomate Date Night!!!! WOOT WOOT!! And then comes the weekend which I will probably be spending alone aside from a few hours of babysitting on sunday afternoon and a dinner with Willow folks in the evening.

I've decided that I really just need to get plugged in somewhere before I dry up and die. I feel so alone during the days, not having anything of real significance to do. I need to serve, or lead, or SOMETHING!! AHHH!!!

I've also decided that I want to die before every step I take results in me farting loudly in public places.

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