Friday, July 28, 2006

South Haven and Friends

Last weekend I went to Kalamazoo to visit my dear friends Jessica and James. They are getting ready for their wedding. When I saw them they were on day 13 of the countdown and it is now day 8 of the countdown!! WOOT WOOT!! I am so excited I get to share in this joyous event with them! Yay for marriage!

Here are some pictures of our trip to South Haven last Sunday afternoon:

This is me floating away in a large cement pipe

Jessica and I under the metal thingy

Me holding an orange rock

The three of us enjoying the beach and each other's company.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

One Lump or Two

It's questions like these that get my mind spinning... and of course I have not the time to explain... perhaps later... or if it rains.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Life Before Youth Haven

This morning I woke up and remembered that my life didn't start on May 17th when I arrived here at Youth Haven Ranch. I have a whole life behind me, a whole set of friends and experiences that in the midst of camp I had forgotten existed. I may not have forgotten completely, but the details were blurry and fading. This morning though it all came flooding back to me.

I miss you my dear friends. I was reading some letters and notes from you and it made me long to see your faces. Luckily this weekend some of us will be re-united once again. I want to know how you are doing and what you are doing, and I want to laugh with you and be dumb together.

Megan, I miss you. I miss our Thursdays. I miss cooking and eating with you and Jeff. I miss sitting on the couch together, the three of us, all cuddled together in one spot when there is room enough for all of us to sprawl out. I miss the way you smell, and the comfort of looking into your eyes; eyes that have seen me at my best and worst, that know me so well I don't have to speak a word to communicate.

Jess Relitz I miss you too. I want to come see you soon! I want to embrace! hee hee

Sara Monson, I miss spending time with you, and I miss knowing what you are doing.

Joylynn, I miss making you giggle, and listening to you sing... oh how your voice melts me.

Amber, dude.... I need you... and I need to stay up late with you and talk about nothing and everything at the same time.

Krista, I miss getting my butt whooped in skippy.

Kristin, I miss talking to you online and distracting you from the things you should be doing, including sleep.

Michelle, I miss sharing my fluffy bed with you, and making you laugh so hard you convulse.

Tricia, where are you?? I miss our dinners and random drop-ins.

J-Garv, I miss playing the bongos with you.

Nicko, I miss your pimp self.

Sarahhh, I miss living with you. How's China?

Lisa, I miss your playful nature and oogling boys with you... lol

Johnson Man, I miss your 1800's ways.

Annie, I miss making you blush.

Brandon, I miss hearing about the weather.

Erin, I miss your voice and our lunch dates.

Lauren, I miss your sarcasm and studying the Bible with you.

Josh, I miss the way you talk and your guitar playing.

Brian, I miss making you wraps.

Rob, I miss our hang-out time.

Laura, I miss being your roomie, watching movies, getting our fortune told by the red fish, and you sticking your hand on my seat right before I sit down.

For everyone else in my life I miss you too. I just keep coming up with people, but I have to go and do Archery with one of the teams so I have not time to feature you all here. You are in my heart though, and I am thinking of you today.

Today is a funny day here at camp. We have a short week at camp this week and so today is a combination of what we do on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All-camp will be really good because we will have team-leader hunt, the kids love it and the team-leaders do too. Then tonight we will be doing Skit Night. That is usually pretty fun as well. I am praying for a good day!

Ok my litt froo-froos. I adore you and cherish you all!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

The Begining of the End

This morning is the begining of the end of WEEK 4! That's the halfway mark! This week was intense, really really intense!

The kids leave soon! I'll update more after they are gone!!!