Wednesday, December 15, 2004

It's Official

My Christmas break has offically started. As of 10:50 this morning I am free to be without class obligations for 3 whole weeks. I am very very happy!

I will be spending my break up here at school babysitting for Dorothy once again this year. They are having a rough time, so I hope I can bring some Christmas cheer to the family.

I go home this weekend to have the Noll family Christmas. I am in charge of a fruit platter with dip!! i am looking forward to making it.

On Friday I am Krista's date for Brenda Brakes wedding. It's going to be good. I hear we get really tastey food!

I am still not sure what I want for Christmas. I think I will look online and get some ideas. The only thing I can think of it an air purifyer and maybe a couple movies or something. My mom is taking me shopping to get some nice clothes. It will be good to have some stuff I can wear in the winter... I need some nice sweaters so I stop wearing my sweatshirts. Jeans are on sale at Target so I might ask for a few pair!

Today I ate a ranch burger. MMMMMMM! I love ranch. I thought I hated it until about a year ago when I went to Outback Steakhouse and tried their ranch on cheesey fries. Now I am in love with it. Well, maybe not in love, but I like it a lot.

Ok, I am off to see what I want for Christmas!! bubberoo!!!

note to Sara: I am on a computer that for some reason doesn't give me the option to make my words pretty colors and bold them. You'll have to be creative and add emphasis as necessary!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The End of the Semester as we Know it!

Hello folks. It's the end of what has been a long and laborious semester. I am so exhausted.

I still have one more week to go, a week of finals. All of my tests are probably going to be very hard and I don't know how well I'll do on them. I am learning, which is good... Just not testing well.

Although it will be a week of stress it will also be a week of fun. I will be hanging out with my friends and stuff, which should prove to be good times.

Although fun it is going to be sad. Some of my friends are leaving. Laura is going back home to student teach, Ryan and Sara are going to Minnesota... It's going to be tough. Living with Laura has been great and we are buddies more than I could have imagined before. I have grown close to Ryan and especially Sara since I have been here. It's going to be weird to not see them around. I think I will cry a lot. Yeah, I am sure I will.

Tonight I am frustrated because I don't understand the material for my exam tomorrow. It's a sociology class. I can find the answers in the book, but I don't know what they mean necessarily. So I feel dumb and discouraged most of the time I have spent studying so far.

I am looking forward to sleeping. And then getting up in the morning and going to church and laughing at the kids do their cantata, and then going to a surprise shower for Megan. It's going to be a blast. Oh, then I get to watch Survivor too! It's the season finale, so you better tune in!! 8-11 pm tomorrow!!

I hope all those who I haven't talked to in a while are doing good. I miss my Goodrich peoples, and Joylynn, and Family too. Oh Bubby, how I miss you!!! I want to kiss your cheek!!

Ok, I am signing off for now!! See ya lata!!