This morning I woke up and remembered that my life didn't start on May 17th when I arrived here at Youth Haven Ranch. I have a whole life behind me, a whole set of friends and experiences that in the midst of camp I had forgotten existed. I may not have forgotten completely, but the details were blurry and fading. This morning though it all came flooding back to me.
I miss you my dear friends. I was reading some letters and notes from you and it made me long to see your faces. Luckily this weekend some of us will be re-united once again. I want to know how you are doing and what you are doing, and I want to laugh with you and be dumb together.
Megan, I miss you. I miss our Thursdays. I miss cooking and eating with you and Jeff. I miss sitting on the couch together, the three of us, all cuddled together in one spot when there is room enough for all of us to sprawl out. I miss the way you smell, and the comfort of looking into your eyes; eyes that have seen me at my best and worst, that know me so well I don't have to speak a word to communicate.
Jess Relitz I miss you too. I want to come see you soon! I want to embrace! hee hee
Sara Monson, I miss spending time with you, and I miss knowing what you are doing.
Joylynn, I miss making you giggle, and listening to you sing... oh how your voice melts me.
Amber, dude.... I need you... and I need to stay up late with you and talk about nothing and everything at the same time.
Krista, I miss getting my butt whooped in skippy.
Kristin, I miss talking to you online and distracting you from the things you should be doing, including sleep.
Michelle, I miss sharing my fluffy bed with you, and making you laugh so hard you convulse.
Tricia, where are you?? I miss our dinners and random drop-ins.
J-Garv, I miss playing the bongos with you.
Nicko, I miss your pimp self.
Sarahhh, I miss living with you. How's China?
Lisa, I miss your playful nature and oogling boys with you... lol
Johnson Man, I miss your 1800's ways.
Annie, I miss making you blush.
Brandon, I miss hearing about the weather.
Erin, I miss your voice and our lunch dates.
Lauren, I miss your sarcasm and studying the Bible with you.
Josh, I miss the way you talk and your guitar playing.
Brian, I miss making you wraps.
Rob, I miss our hang-out time.
Laura, I miss being your roomie, watching movies, getting our fortune told by the red fish, and you sticking your hand on my seat right before I sit down.
For everyone else in my life I miss you too. I just keep coming up with people, but I have to go and do Archery with one of the teams so I have not time to feature you all here. You are in my heart though, and I am thinking of you today.
Today is a funny day here at camp. We have a short week at camp this week and so today is a combination of what we do on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All-camp will be really good because we will have team-leader hunt, the kids love it and the team-leaders do too. Then tonight we will be doing Skit Night. That is usually pretty fun as well. I am praying for a good day!
Ok my litt froo-froos. I adore you and cherish you all!