Wednesday, May 17, 2006

CFW/ Summer Kick-off!!

CFW was pretty sweet. Of course, Cedar Campus is beautiful, so that enhanced the week even more. It rained a little, but we did have some good sunny days in the begining of the week.

This year I worked on crew. It gave me quite a different experience than I am used to with InterVarsity events. I worked on a playground they are making on Mariners Cove side. I got to work with power tools like saws, a router, a sander, and screw-drivers and stuff. It was pretty darn sweet. Here is where you can see the plans of what it is supposed to look like when it's finished:
At the end of the week, I worked on the Pool house; taking out the old filter, installing insulation, and general clean-up. On my last day I went out to the trails with the fellas and helped clear a path and put down limestone for the ski trails. It was pretty windy, but enjoyable just the same. I really had a great week, full of good food, hard work, a few naps, a sweet massage, a lovely gift, lots of outside time, a sunburn, Skip-bo, awesome worship, tons of prayer, a frustrating/meaningful team-builder, pranks, and good networking... oh and not to mention a great road-trip and stop at a restaurant (2P)!!! It was definitely a great last CFW for me. I will keep it close to my heart always.

Today is my first day at my internship. I am very much looking forward to the summer. I moved my stuff in, and I am excited to pimp-out my "living space". I am going to make the most of that 5ish sq. ft!!!! I already have the tallest bed, so it can't get much better than that! I'll post pictures soon if I get a chance.

If anyone would like to write to me here is my address:

P.O. Box 97
Rives Junction MI, 49277

I also enjoy e-mails and facebook messages!!!

Here are a few pics from CFW

Awww!! Me and my Amber

These are my really hott pajamas. We are powering-up the glow-in-the-dark feature!

I got the watch and Nick doesn't have the time, or a calculator!

Kristin looks too natural in that mustache!

Me and the girls, my frist time on the BEAR!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Summer Goals

OK, so in my Turbo Kick class we were encouraged to set some goals for ourselves for the summer time. At Midterms we set one goal, one thing that we'd like to change. My goal was to not buy junk food from the grocery store and to eat fruit first if I wanted a snack and then if I was still hungry I could have something else. It worked out pretty well, so I am excited for these new goals!

Janet (my instructor and pretty much the coolest kid I know), explained that wellness has 6 demensions; physical, intellectual, occupational, emotional, social, and spiritual. All of these elements compliment eachother and have to work together to acheive true wellness. She said to think of it as a wheel, all the parts come together to work just as a wheel should running smoothly and quietly along a path. If one demension is weakened then the wheel will lose air making for a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride.

So that being said, hear are the things I am going to do/keep in mind this summer as I try to make my wheel run smoothly. Some of these things are new things that I need to start doing and some are old things I just need to keep up on that I at times let slide.

Engage in 30 minutes of rigorous activity daily
Stretch to stay flexible
Do a zillion cruches every night to gain the abs of my dreams!
Watch my caloric intake as well as the quality of foods I am eating
Read at least one chapter dailyof the Bible
Read at least one chapter daily of a book for pleasure
Engage in mind strengthing/logic games weekly such as Soduko
Meet all goals for my internship going above and beyond when possible
Finish my BIG paper on time and with excellent quality
Take time to myself weekly to do something I enjoy
Identify a person on camp grounds that I can confide in during times of trial and stress
Reach out and make new friends, having me be the one who is inviting and warm
Keep in touch with CMU/IV/family/everyone over the summer regualrly either through snail-mail, e-mail, or phone
Find a church in my summer location that I can be fed by
Give my 1st and last word to God EVERYDAY!
Spend time in silence/meditation listening, praising, learning, just engaging with God daily
Ok, so that's it! Those are my goals. Some of them are going to be really hard! I am starting today with a work out at the SAC!!! YES!!! Then I'll come home for some delicious lunch! I am packing today for my departure of this wonderful town. I need to figure out what I need for Cedar, what I need for camp, and hopefully everything else will fit into the boxes I have... if not I might have to start giving things away!! hee hee
The sunshine today is making me happy, and feeling productive. I think I'll open the windows and blast my music when I get home! YES!!! AND I am so excited to start wearing shorts!! SCORE!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Darn My Human Heart!

Why is it, that when everything's going just fine, I find a way to screw it all up with a stupid comment from the depths of my pathetic soul?

Seriously, why do our minds and hearts work the way they do, and how is it that when you are hoping to not screw things up in an important and fragile relationship that one manages to say something idiotic to throw things off balance?

OR, how is it that the one who says something stupid thinks that everything is screwed up, it's all doomed and then the other one says, "It's ok, no biggie" AH! How does that happen, forgiveness when it's not due, a smooth and untainted reaction to what could potentially be a disaster.

For real, how is one to know which scenario will occur at any given moment?

I suppose this is just the reason that one should always be thinking before they speak, because it's not worth saying something stupid and maybe hurting someone, or just sounding rediculous.

GAH! I think I should run away to another country, I feel that will solve all of life's stresses, worries, problems, and crap like that. I'll just run! That's Healthy, just run far away! heh...