Sunday, May 27, 2007

Last Night in Paradise

Tonight is my last night in the lap of luxury. It's been 7 days here in California with the family I nanny for, staying in the finest places, eating expensive food, experiencing the San Diego Zoo's and Sea World to it's full potential... basically it's been mind blowingly fancy. I am sitting in my Four Seasons Aviara hotel room with a couch, desk, private patio, king size bed, a bathroom three times the size of mine at home, wet bar, all in a space that is close to if not a little larger than half the size of Me and Sarah's two bedroom apartment. The house keeping staff comes twice a day to clean my room and make my bed. It's just crazy.

Although I have enjoyed tasting monetary richness, I am content that it is only a taste, and about two days ago I was ready to stop all the silliness. I've loved the things I've done here, but the parts I've loved most is spending time with the kids and getting to know Mike and Felicia more. I love watching the kids with their parents, and I love that Felicia and Mike have gotten to see the kids with me. I feel more solidified in my position with them, closer to everyone and more part of the family.

A list of some of my favorite things from the trip:

Teaching Leah Baa Baa Black Sheep

Feeding the following animals:

Dolphins (twice)

Manta Rays


Rhinoceros (twice)



Seeing both a Polar Bear and Lioness up close

Petting a Lesser Ant Eater, White Faced Scopps Owl

Having several Laurakeets eat right out of my hand

Seeing the Shamu show

Visiting California Condors

Playing all day in the tide pools at the beach in La Jolla

Swimming with Samuel and Leah

Sammy's Pizza

Watching Greys and Lost in my free time before bed

The Four Season's Shampoo and Soap

Looking out the window of the plane with Samuel on the flight to Cali

Getting a "tan/burn"

Lego Land

My doggy lamps in my hotel room

I think that is the majority of highlights.

Like I said i am really ready to go home now. I like it here, but I've had enough. I've had the chance to see the beauty of this area to it's fullest potential, but I have also seen a lot of ugliness in the life that is considered desirable by society. Impatients, complaining, wastefullness, ungrateful attitudes, and unfortunate priorities have shown through. I am ready to go home and see the people I love and understand me.

Chicago here I come!!! GET READY!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Streptococcal Pharyngitis

Yes, that's right folks. I got the Strep. It is one of the most miserable sicknesses I have had, maybe the worst so far.

I didn't have a sneezy nose or a cough or a bad fever, oh no... nothing do-able like that. Instead I had a red, swollen, pussfilled, raw throat. I couldn't swallow anything. I couldn't even turn my head to the right or left comfortably becuase my lymphnodes and gland were so swollen. I finally went to the doctor yesterday, knowing everything was just not right.

The doc. looked at my throat, jumped back and said, "oh my! That is one sore throat. Oh my.... wow. That is a sore throat." She walked into the hall and yelled to one of the nurses that I needed a throat culture. a few minutes later she came back and informed my my throat looked so bad she was just going to write me a script for it. She also prescribed some sterroids to bring down the swelling.

Today I am feeling much better; still worn down, and my throat hurts a little, but anything is better than the pain I was in. I will return to work tomorrow. I am taking advantage of this contagious day off by going to the bank, stopping by the mall, and taking a nap or two.

I hope that none of you ever have to edure the evil that is Streptococcal Pharyngitis!!!

Othat than my sickness my life is quite good. One week till Joy and Thor's wedded celebration, and two weeks until I fly off to California with the Perlmans! Should be an eventful month!! WOOT WOOT!!!